Hilary(walks to Justin and whispers in his ear): Can we talk a sec?

Justin(worriedly gets up): Sure.

They walk into the living room.

Hilary(sits down): Ok, I’m just gonna get to the point. I’m very nervous about leaving, I mean….. I …. I …..(stumbling)

Justin(interrupting): Hilary, there’s nothing to worry about. If you get homesick at any time you can call home.

Hilary: That’s not it. I just don’t ……. It doesn’t feel right. I feel like something is gonna happen.

Justin: Nothing bad will happen. If I’m right, everything will go as planned.

Hilary: Ok. Thanx. Can you give me some time to chat with Kristin?

Justin(getting up): No problem. You want me to get her. Let me re-phrase that. Save her from Joey?

Hilary: That would be good. Hopefully, Joey’s not getting too attached.

Justin(giggling): Well, he is the ladies man.

Hilary: Yeah, and she’s not legal yet.

Justin: Joey can keep a secret.

Hilary: That is so wrong. To tell ya the truth, Kristin has a little crush on Lance, or shall I say (looking at Lance)the guy that’s stealing the French toast off my plate. Drop the fork and step away from the French toast!

They walk back in the dining room.

Hilary: Hey Kris, gotta talk to ya, come on.

Joey: Hold up. We’re talking

Hilary(grabbing Kristin’s hand): Not any more.

They walked into the living room.

Kristin: THANK YOU! Eww. WOW I can’t believe they want you on their tour.

Hilary(insulted): Is it that hard to believe that someone wants to know me?

Kristin: That’s not what I meant and you know it.

Hilary: Well, something must be wrong since everyone keeps sayin’ that. It’s like `Are they like not suppose to want to know me?`

Kristin: I’m sorry you think that way, but it’s not true.

Hilary(standing and waving her arms): That’s it! I don’t know them. I mean I know who they are just not personally….and….and(stumbling again)

Kristin(interrupting): Just chill! You’re freaking on me girl. Breathe….1…2…3..

Hilary(pleading): You have to come with me. I can’t go alone.

Kristin(surprised): Are you kidding me? Of course I’ll go. I’d be crazy, no brain dead to say no.

Hilary: Cool. Go get your things and argue with your dad so you can go.

Kristin: Won’t Justin be upset?

Hilary: If he so desperately wants me on tour with him, the only way I’ll go is if you go.

Kristin: Let’s get our booty’s movin’.

Hilary: Ok you go get ready and I’ll tell the guys.

Kristin: Good luck!

Hilary: Please. Give me credit for at least good persuasive skills.

Kristin: TRUE!(leaves)

Hilary walks into the dinning room and sits down.

Hilary: Um. You guys don’t mind if Kristin comes with us do ya?

All(except Justin): Sure

Justin: If that’ll make you feel better, by all means let her come.

Hilary(relieved): Oh, I’d feel so much better. I thought you’d all be upset.

Justin: Nah.

Lance: Can she cook?

Hilary(shakes her head): What will we do with you?

Joey: That settles it. Hilary, you’re happy. I’m happy, Lance is happy. Everyone’s happy. And best of all we get good quality time together as a group.

Hilary(sarcastic): Oh. Yay.

Chris: I’ll be happy just as long as you don’t bring that weird thing that kept pulling my hair.

Hilary: Her name is Sarah, and she’s not weird, she’s ..unique.

Chris: Ok then can you tell us who Chrono is?

Hilary: I think Sarah might want to keep it a secret. I’ll ask her.

Chris: NO! That’s Ok. She’ll see my hair, get distracted and might start pulling it again.

Hilary: No. Joey’s hair is distracting. It looks like your head is on fire.

Joey(insulted): HEY!

* * * * *

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