*Attention: I got tired of writing in script form so I changed to sorta like both script and regular writing. So you can hear their thoughts. Thank you for reading my story.*


Hilary watched Kristin leave the room and continued to read. Everything was kinda weird. What explanation could come from this situation? Why me? All these questions roared through her head. She put them aside. She would find out “Why?” soon enough.

~ In the other room ~

Kristin(sitting next to Lance):Sup guys?

Justin(turning to her): What is Hilary like?

Kristin: What?

Justin wanted to know all about her. Know how she thinks. Know her feelings. Know when she’s lying. Know her.

Justin: I mean. What is she like? Her personality? How does she act? Is she always serious? Goofy? What?

Kristin: Well, she’s a trip. All in one. Goofy, serious, quiet, and loud all in one person. She’s also very questionable. Ya know? She’ll be acting like she won the Pulitzer Prize one minute and act like a kindergartner the other. You’ll be surprised what this little gal has seen in her time.

Justin: What do you mean “what she’s seen”?

Kristin: What I mean, is she knows a lot more than what peeps give her credit for.

At that time Hilary walked in and they all stopped talking and turned to her.

Hilary: Damn, are my ears burning, or what?

Kristin: Chill Chica. He was just asking what you’re like.

Hilary(turning to Justin): Why didn’t ya just ask me?

Cause I’d spill the beans, you would run away, and I would never see you again.

Justin: I don’t know.

Hilary: What-ever. So, what do ya want to know?

Justin: The basics. Ya know, what’s your favorite movie? Stuff like that.

Hilary: Ok, fav. Movie; Golden Child with Eddie Murphey. Um.. fav color Blue. Regular blue. Uh…fav. place? My bed.

Joey(interrupting): Hey JC? She’s your type gal.

JC(sarcastic): HaHa.

Hilary: Ok. Um.. what else do ya wanna know?

Justin wanted to tell her but he had to wait till it was right.

Justin: Sports?

Hilary: You’re kidding me right? I love sports. B-ball is da bomb! Love the Magic & Bulls, and I’m not really a college b-ball kinda girl. But uh. I’m so like mad at Penny. (acting like she was crying) WHY? Why’d he have to go? Why Penny?(stopped crying)Pansy!

They all laughed at her feelings toward Penny Hardaway.

Justin: Well, college is my thing. UNC BABY! ALL THE WAY!

Hilary(getting up): Alrighty, if that ends our group attempt to get to know each other, I would like to get to know my bunk. Thank you and good-afternoon.

Kristin: Later Chica.


Hilary: Sweet dreams.

Hilary walked out the room. Kristin was too busy staring at Lance to understand what was going on. Hilary had not the slightest clue why Justin or any of them for that matter would want to get to know her. She had her own thoughts for self-confidence. She always thought that she had to make others feel good before herself. And in the same way it made her happy to see others happy.

Hilary(walking to her bunk humming Nice And Slow by Usher):They call me US-HER-RA-YM-OND and baby tell me whatcha wanna do with me. Okey-dokey. Now where do I get the pleasure of sleeping? Ah, here we go. (gets in bunk).

~ Jacksonville ~

Joey(calling Hilary): Hilary!

Hilary(mumbling in her sleep): What?

Joey(shaking Hilary): Come on, sweetie. Time to get up. We’re here.

Hilary sat up. Hitting her head on the bunk on top.

Hilary(rubbing her forehead): Ok. OWW. I guess I gotta get used to the fact that there is a top. So, where is everyone?

Joey(thinking): Chris is taking Busta for a walk, JC and Justin are out playing basketball, and Kristin left me for Lance. So, I’m here with you.

Hilary(almost insulted): Wow. You really know how to make a person feel wanted. You wanna go play some b-ball too?

Joey: You any good?

Hilary: You’re just gonna have to find out.

Joey: You suck, don’t you?

Hilary(walking to the front of the bus): I’m not exactly Air Jordan, but I can play. I can’t shoot that well, but I’m good with playing the court.

Joey: At least you’re honest. Lance actually thinks he’s getting better.

Hilary(walking off the bus and squinting): Ah, let there be light.(covering her eyes)

Joey(starting to run): Come on, let’s go find JC and Justin.

Hilary(taking her time): Alright, but I’m not running right now. It wastes too much energy.

* * * * *

Chapter 6
Hosted Fiction