Justin(talking on his cell phone): Yes, that’s right , Iryn Gamble. G-A-M-B-L-E. O.K. Thank you very much.(clicks off. Reads the phone number) 352-***-****(He dials the number)

Iryn: Hello?

Justin: Hi. Is Andrea there?

Iryn: No she is not. May I ask who’s calling?

Justin: Uh…I’m a friend of Hilary’s.

Iryn: Oh, can you tell Hilary I said “Hi”.

Justin: I will. Thank you, I guess I’ll just call back later(clicks off and walks back to talk to Kristin) She wasn’t home.

Kristin: I can’t think of anyone else. Sorry.

Justin: Who was that annoying girl with Hilary before? She has red hair I think.

Kristin: Steph?

Justin: Yeah, I think that was her name, what’s her number?

Kristin: 352-***-****(Justin calls her up)

Steph: If your are calling for my brothers, they’re not here. So please hang up at the beep. BEEP.

Justin: I’m guessing this is Steph.

Steph: Ding, Ding, Ding! Johnny tell him what he’s won.

Justin: Is this a bad time?

Steph: Who is this?

Justin: What is this? 20 questions? I’m Justin Timber-

Steph(interrupting): OHMIGOD it’s Justin Timberlake. Yeah right, and I’m Britney Spears.

(Kristin grabs the phone and sings): Hit me baby one more time(hands the phone back to Justin)

Steph: Oops. My bad.

Justin: How much do you know about Hilary?

Steph: Well, for starters, she’s tomboy-like , and she stands up for herself, and she’s a real comedian, but there are sometimes she just doesn’t feel like being happy or crazy, and… why don’t you just ask Kristin?

Justin: Why didn’t I?

Steph: Betcha that bleach is getting to ya now, huh?

Justin: Ha ha. Uh…bye

Steph: Y’all call back now, ya hear?

Justin(clicks off): You let me call that girl when you knew I could ask you bout Hilary anywayz! That’s low.

Kristin: You didn’t ask. And you’re the one who called her.

Justin(realizes something): Damn! Steph and Chris would make a good couple.

Kristin(On the floor laughing): Oh, I forgot to tell you, she was dropped on her head as a baby.

Justin: Well, that explains everything. I think Chris was too. Now will you tell me more about her?

Kristin: Who?

Justin: Dumbass, Hilary.

Kristin: I can’t believe you just called Hilary a “dumbass”.

Justin: Not her. You.

Kristin: I thought we were talking about Hilary?

Justin: We are.

Kristin: Then why did you call her a “dumbass”?

Justin: Not her. You. I called you a dumbass. Now are you going to help me or just be a pain in the ass?

Kristin: I’m not helping you, now.

Justin: Why not?

Kristin: You called me a “dumbass”.

Justin: I’m sorry.

Kristin: Now scream, “I’m a dumbass” and I’ll be happy.

Justin(frustrated): I’M A DUMBASS!!!

JC(calling from the TV room): Already knew that!

Justin(shouts at JC): Shut up JC!(turns back to Kristin) Now will you please help me?

Kristin: One more favor. Then I’ll help.

Justin: You’re more complicated than Steph. What is it?

Kristin: Hook me up with Lance.

Justin: Sorry, God himself couldn’t pull off a miracle as such of your request.

Kristin: Fine! Than you can just go call up Steph again, she would surely want to talk to you.

Justin: Fine! I’ll talk to him, but no promises. Deal?

Kristin: Deal.

* * * * *

Chapter 8
Hosted Fiction