~ The Next Morning ~

Justin(about to wake Hilary up early again): Rise and shine. It’s butt-whoopin’ time.

Hilary: YOU SUCK! (she continuously chanted those words) you suck. You suck.

Justin: Get over it.

Hilary(raising her hands and praying): Why must you torture me like this?

Justin(startled):Whoa. (looks at his pager) whose number is this? 352-***-****?

Hilary(looking at the number): That’s my house. Let’s call and see what’s up.

Justin(dials the number): Hello? Oh, She’s right here. Here, it’s for you.

Hilary: Hello?

Person on phone: What in the hell are you doin on the road?

Hilary(getting mad): Whoa, Hold up! Who is this?!

Person on the phone: Who the f*** do you think this is?

Hilary: DAMMIT Justin! I thought you were someone important. Aren’t you supposed to be sleeping?

Justin: What?! You leave with out saying good-bye or anything. Damn skippy I’ll be calling your ass!

Hilary(frustrated): FINE, BYE!(hangs up)1…2….3…(the phone rang)Now, that you’re all hyped up will you please calm down?(he started to yell)Ey, ey, ey, ey, be cool.

Justin: Shut up! Now, that you’re gone I have K.P. duty.

Hilary: Now you know how I feel when you went to Georgia for two weeks with Jason.

Justin: You could’ve gone.

Hilary: He wanted to put me in the trunk.

Justin: Speaking of Jason he wants to say Hi.

Jason: Hey Sweetie.

Hilary: Sup Frankenstein?

Jason: Funny. Well, I gotta go Sweetie. Just wanted to say Hi. Peace.

Hilary: Bye.

Justin: Well, we gotta go and beat Dobber’s ass!

Hilary: Give Dobber an extra ass whoopin for me. Later, Beaver-nuts(hangs up)(goes into the lounge)Here’s your cell back.

Justin *Timberlake* : Keep it. That way you can talk to your family anytime.

Hilary: O.K. Thanks. You sure?

Justin: Yeah, I’m sure. Well, anywayz we were gonna go to the mall. So, wanna come?

Hilary: Sure.

Justin(pointing to her P.J.’s): You might wanna change before going out in public.

Hilary(looking at her clothes): Maybe you’re right.

During the 20 minute ride to the mall, Hilary was in her own world. Staring out into the bluest of skies and nicest days she’s seen in a long time. Her mind was studying a lot of behaviors of everybody. Her brother wasn’t as optimistic about her mother as usual. He’s usually hopeful that this will turn out ok. Things were just so confusing for her at the time she just wanted it all to go away. So, right then she decided that she wouldn’t worry as much about Justin wanting her on tour. He has his reasons. I’m having a good time. So, whatever he wanted me for he has succeeded in doing. But her confusion was at it’s lowest. She had no idea of what was ahead of her.

~ Later At The Mall ~

Hilary(sitting on a mall bench): I am so beat.

Justin(strangely hyper): Come on, a few more stores and we’re done. Wuss.

Hilary(looking at Chris)-You have got to be kidding me? What was put in his food this morning? Jet fuel?

Justin: I like to shop. Big deal.

Hilary: Why don’t you just buy the mall while you’re ahead?

JC: Don’t give him any ideas.

Hilary: Well, he shops more than some girls I know.(something in her bag vibrated and she jumped)You put a squirrel in my bag, Chris?

Chris: I wasn’t me this time. I swear.

Hilary: I was kidding. (clicks on the cell phone) Hello?

Steph: HEY!! Girl wuz up?! What are you doing?! Where are you?! Why haven’t you called me?!

And the chatter just continued. Hilary was just so annoyed that she put the phone in her bag. When she realized Steph was done she picked the phone back up.

Hilary: You still there?

Steph: I knew it! You didn’t listen to a thing I said!

Hilary(thinks quickly): OHMYGOD! I’m about to miss the movie! Call ya later!(clicks off)

Chris: Slick move. Impressive

Hilary: What can I say? I know I’m good.

Kristin: Yeah right.

Hilary: You’re just jealous.

Kristin: Oh lord that was the funniest thing I’ve heard all day!(laughing)

Hilary: Whatever. Wanna be like me. Well, speaking of movies. Let’s see a flick?

Joey: What movie?

Lance: How about Blue Streak? Ya know with Martin Lawrence?

Kristin: Anything that you think is good, Lance, I find a perfect choice.

Hilary: Figures. Well, that sounds good to me. What about the rest of you?

They all agreed. So, Blue Streak was the movie they were to see. Lance just prayed that Kristin would get stuck sitting next to Joey. Maybe, then she wouldn’t be all over him.

* * * * *

Chapter 9