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Diet and ADHD. Solutions that have worked for others
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Here it is! The result of the survey to all ADHD and ADD people on the mailing list.This month we will look closely at solutions offered by other ADHD families, that may help you, a coping technique that works

  1. Natural supplements summary
  2. Individuals' recommendations
  3. Eureka! The list that works!
How can I keep a constantly active mind focused on just one thing? A solution that works!Joyce Hartwick has some answers
More coping strategies suggested from the survey 

Natural Supplements.

Just under 25% took natural supplements themselves and just under 50% gave natural supplements to their children. All people who answered the question used natural supplements as only part of their ADHD regime, and just under 20% also had considered nutritional and dietary changes.

The supplements were obtained through health food shops, a homeopath, a naturopath, over the Internet and from their own businesses.

Comparing them to prescription drugs, the variance was wide with some finding no difference to others finding a noticeable difference , and from seeing an effect in "a few days" to it taking 6 months to notice! This seems to reinforce the strong message we get from many sources, that ADHD and ADD people are unique in what will help , and each needs to try out ideas that have worked for others and see if they will make a difference. If they do, you have another piece of the jigsaw in place, if they don't, try another idea!

What people are taking!

One ADD adult takes OPC's/pycnogenols, Omega-3's, Evening Primrose, Hypomultiple Vitamins, B-Complex, Ginko, Vitamin C, Calcium & Magnesium,Black Cohosh and Ginseng "So far, response is much slower than prescription drugs. I am having  positive results, but obviously, need more time to allow a build-up in the system.... am considering switching to another supplement combination .... Lifepak and Optimum Omega to replace current antioxidant combination The pycnogenols: are from grape seed and pine bark, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, 180 mg EPA, 120 mg DHA, fish oil supplement from fish skin

Hypomultiple Vitamin/Mineral Formula -- Beta Carotene, Riboflavin,  Pyridoxine, Thiamin, Niacinamide, Pantothenic Acid, Choline, Moinositol, PABA, Biotin, Bit B-12, Folic Acid, DL alpha tocopherol acetate, Glutamic Acid, calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, zinc, and small amounts of selenium, vanadium, molybdenum, chromium & siliconEvening Primrose - Omega-6's and Omega-9

The eyesight has improved since taking pycnogenols, also ability to concentrate and focus on school work, as well as carry on a conversation without skipping continually from subject to subject with no apparent segue.The eyesight improved immediately, and I noticed the detox effect right away, but other effects took/are taking longer

Another ADD adult takes St. Johns Wort, Ginko Biloba, Kava Kava, Valerian Root... Mannatech and he finds "Not as on edge and more good As Ritalin did for me..

St Johns Wort from a local health food shop was a possible solution for another mum but she says," nothing seems to help to be honest."

Vvitamin B-6 and St John's Wort was being trialled by another mum of an ADHD and she said"I see some change in him."

Having never used prescription drugs one person answered that they take, " Ginkgo Biloba and St.Johns Wort. They boosted moral and it took 2 weeks to notice a difference."

Another mum says," These are for me: Your Life B-Complex, E, C, D with calcium Bronson Selenium, Your Life St. John's Wort +Ginseng, Gingko Biloba My son takes: Nutrition Now Rhino Vites She gets them from the regular grocery store and GNC store and she adds," no side affects." They contain," A, D, C, B-5, B-3, B-1, B-6, B-2 ,PABA, B-3, Folic acid,  biotin, B-12 ,K-1  and we both feel much better, able to concentrate " It took a couple of days to notice a difference

Efalex was a natural solution for 3 ADHD people and one person answered,"Natural ones appear to have made no difference to behaviour or concentration. Kalm Kids instead of Catapress was totally useless. (recommended 2 tables at night, started at 4 and went to 6 with no noticeable esponse. Pharmacist said if they would not work at 6 they are of no use

Leritone junior and Efalax is for another mum from the health food store. She adds," The affects don't last as long and unsure if I can up the dosage. They contain evening primrose, tuna oil, thyme oil and vitamin b. They help for 4 hours and says on the bottle to give once a day." she noticed a difference within a few days.

Along with omega 3, Efalex, Revenol, Orachel,Feroxin one mum also was giving a diet of no preservatives, yeast, colourings, additives, sugar, honey, cream. Her advice had come from a naturopath, and they are taken in conjunction with prescription drugs. Revenol is an antioxidant , Orachel a vitamin supplement , Feroxin a mineral supplement , and Efalex contains evening primrose oil, thyme oil and tuna oil. It had taken at least 3 months for them to get into the system and start to work properly

Omega 3 and Omega 6 and essential salts plus a multi vitimin called "Calmative ADD was recommended to another mum for her ADHD son from a Homeopath at local Chemist. This child has never taken prescription drugs so can't compare but " My son is able to do his school work however we have lots of highs and lows and it took six months to notice any difference.

Natrol liquid bought off the Internet " just makes him healthy, " said another Mum and they contain,"all daily vitamins necessary

A solution for another family is Nature Plus Children's Chewable, Twin Labs Stress Mates, Twin Labs GABA Plus, Vitamin Shoppe Omega 3, Kirkland Vitamin E All from the Health Food Store, Costco "They are definitely a supplement, not a replacement. They help  considerably with the side effects of Adderall and has meant my son can  continue to use it," says Mum. She continues, "They contain vitamins and minerals, amino acids And the GABA Plus ( with inositol and niancimamide) helped with the insomnia and nightmares immediately, the affect of B vitamins took a little longer to notice, but he was able to put on a 3 pounds over 2 months. He's been using the B's a year now and is up to a  regular weight, still slender but no longer skeletal. We just started the Omega 3 and E, and I'm starting to notice a difference. It seems to help the staying power of the Adderall, smoothing it out, but we still have to do a mid-afternoon dose.

This mum has Pedi-Active A.D.D._by Nature's Plus Also calms forte --by Hylands Also use a high nutritional supplement, along with Barleans Flax seed oil All from the local health food store and she had had No experience with prescription meds  They contain Dmae, passiflora, omega3 and 6 chains and she says," Still in the beginning stages of results with six year old son, have taken for approx. 6 weeks as of now and some small positive changes are energing with attention, and overall health is and has been excellent with the food supplements that he has been taken for over a year.

Another family takes GABA DHEA Quecitin C Large dose B, zinc all from the health food store. When asked about the effectiveness she said," it is hard to tell because this family has environment to take into consideration."

Double X-Ginseng & Ginkgo Biloba is the answer for another family who," Buy them through my business. They are natural and they seem to help me in coping with my son-these are dietary supplements no prescription is needed for them".

Eureka!! Found it! There are trends all through these recommendations that you should trial if you are looking for a natural alternative. So here it is: The wish list! St Johns Wort

Gingko Biloba


A high quality Multi vitamin, antioxidant and mineral supplement  with B vitamin range . This saves having to buy all the listed vitamin,  minerals and antioxidants separately  and insures you have the right co-factors for proper absorption.

Omega 3 and Omega 6 combination

GABA plus inositol and niancimamide)

Just a note from an ADHD adult you need to read:
"There are many herbs which can react with some medical treatment. All items on your "wish list" cause blood thinning and therefore severe risk if a person requires surgery. Some of us ADD/ADHD individuals are also dignosed with various other ailments. I have Sjogren's (arthritic stuff) which requires me to consume huge dosages of aspirin type meds. If I were to also take a combination of the "wish list" herbs with my medication, the risk of internal bleeding would be present. ... I research all herbs and keep very accurate logs of my trials but not all people are as cautious as me. All I ask is that you put some sort of advisory with your list of herbs " So be sure to check that the natural supplements you take compliment any meds, by checking with your medical advisor.

  Eureka! Coping strategies that work! Click here and get more solutions to help you as the December ezine continues to give you advice from ADHD people and their families!

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