A Last Look Worldwide Online Proofreader and Text Editor or Copyeditor
Use a "wordwright" in your write-right rites!
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Don't find out too late that a proofreader or copyeditor could have helped.
Everybody needs a proofreader except me!
Wanna bet? I'm not afraid to admit that sometimes I need a proofreader or copyeditor. Being a proofreader and copyeditor doesn't make me immune to the common writer's problems when I wear a writer's cap. I can look in my sent folder (or even on this web site) and find errors. You can too. The fact is everyone who writes makes errors. I'll usually glance over my e-mail message or post as I'm clicking the send or submit button, and I become horrified if I see an error just as I click the button. Luckily, that doesn't happen often, but, when it does, it's too late to do anything about the error!The worry is, how many of those errors are noticed by people I am trying to favorably impress? Yes, grammar, spelling, and punctuation are especially important for me since I'm in the proofreading business; but, seriously, don't you suppose they're important in any business?
If you don't think the way you "say" things makes a difference, check out this tiny sampling of real-life examples of people who don't think they need a proofreader, taken from web sites I have "surfed" (whose owners I won't embarrass by revealing the URLS) and messages received in my own e-mail box. Believe me, I had trouble limiting these quotes to one per web site or e-mail message, and I could fill a rather hefty book with all the examples I have seen!
"- The seller of this information will not be held legally reliable for what the seller might use this information for."
"If URL that you want to register already exists, It prohibits that the agent registers an site for adult completely. Also, It prohibits to register of the site about the extreme sexy site and the site which belongs to the criminal act and the extreme religious site. it isn't possible to register same URL."
"So you will see along that line I have accumilated vast material, Also you will see several links to some of the Internet's most prestegious and infamousely Internet marketing pioneers, whom of which I have been privilaged to associate with."
If you're still not convinced that how you say/write something matters, click here to take a short test. When you're finished, close the test window to return to this page. (I scored 11, BTW.)
My point here is not getting 100% correct on an English composition. I'm just talking about obvious (and not so obvious) errors that the consumers or businesspeople you're trying to impress could easily recognize.
While it's an unfortunate fact that very few Americans could get a 90% on an English composition, let alone 100% correct, most of these people can pick out obvious errors in the newspapers and magazines they read and on the web sites they visit. Our local newspaper has been known for years by its not-all-that-educated readers as the "aggravate" instead of The Advocate, because of the annoying typos and inane grammar one encounters every time, and I do mean EVERY time, one reads it. Now, here is where the difference between proofreaders and copyeditors comes into play. If the newspaper's copyeditors did a better job with copy before it reached the print stage, it would be easier for their proofreaders to check the accuracy of the proof pages against the correctly phrased, punctuated and capitalized articles—assuming they even employ proofreaders anymore. With the advent of the computer, it seems likely that the original copy is directly translated from the word-processing file to the newspaper page, making copyediting even more critical. An experienced, affordable, freelance proofreader and copyeditor can help turn compositions that are 70% or 80% correct into documents that won't turn off your readers.
My own rating during my career as a Medical Transcriptionist was 98% correct. That means that out of 100 documents (an average of 150 single-spaced pages), I had two very minor errors that I missed while proofreading. I would proofread close to 250 documents before I overlooked a major error, at which point my rating plummeted to 95% correct due to the heavier rating of major errors. I tell you this just to explain that even HUMAN proofreaders cannot be 100% error-free all the time. Obviously anyone who has ever relied on a computer spelling checker and/or grammar checker knows how inaccurate those are—or at least I hope they know.
Could this be your only chance to make a good impression?
Misuse of to, two, and too; then and than; there, their and they're; singular subjects and plural verbs or pronouns; confusing punctuation, etc., are all little annoyances to me that simply point out the ignorance of the writer concerning these points. To potential customers or associates, however, they're equivalent to the kiss of death for the author. The vast majority of readers interpret these mistakes as lack of intelligence instead of simple ignorance about a few grammar and punctuation rules and the spelling of a few words.Even typos, transpositions, and missing or extra letters, spaces, or words leave the impression that the writer is impatient or rushed. In this case, readers figure, "If you don't have the time to make sure your own work is right, you are obviously too busy to concentrate on my needs." The reality, of course, is just the opposite: you give your clients your best effort and just don't take the time to proofread your own work! This is why you need a partner to take the time you don't have . . .
Are your education and expertise extensive?
Having had experience proofreading for physicians, businessmen, and politicians of different specialties, nationalities, and backgrounds, I can safely say that education and expertise in your field won't help you if you can't make others aware of them. Your appearance in print can undermine your credibility before you can demonstrate your expertise.I have engaged in transcibing, proofreading, and copyediting for some brilliant people who simply could not write their ideas in language acceptable to their target audiences. They rarely used the wrong words, but they misspelled the right words, which made them the "wrong" words (they're, their, and there; its and it's; to and too; your and you're, etc.). Often a sentence was confusing because of punctuation (or lack thereof), or a choice of words put the wrong emphasis on a document and caused an attitude problem in the reader(s). I was able to short-circuit the confusion and avoid the attitude problem. People who use English as a second language have problems—and almost all of them are aware and seek help—but sometimes problems arise from cultural differences within the United States itself! Those who recognize this use proofreaders and copyeditors. Those who do not choose to use a proofreader or a copyeditor may not be aware of the problems created by different language bases and/or cultures. The web magnifies these problems by archiving and making our "little indiscretions" readily available to the world for months (maybe even for years) to come. A proofreader and copyeditor can ensure correct documents, articles, and manuscripts, showcasing your education and expertise.
Trying to do business with Americans?
Some errors are the product of trying to Americanize information from another language. Translations between languages are difficult at best. Even if the translator has used both languages several times every day for several years and can effectively think in each language, there's a good chance a proofreader and copyeditor who is a native speaker of the target language should be consulted at least for a quick second opinion.The average translation from another language into American contains strange terms, phrases, or sentences, and possibly even major misunderstandings, due to the fact that the translators, however well-educated they may be, are not really fluent in contemporary American usage. An American proofreader will purge your writing of these flaws. You'll notice I said American. 8^) If you're targeting other English-speaking businesspeople, use a target-matching proofreader and copyeditor. There are many consternating differences between the meanings of various phrases when used in America as opposed to their use in other English-speaking cultures.
Many Americans don't actually understand "Real" English.
Let's face it, for the time being, at least, American businesses and consumers have a major impact on the rest of the world. Unfortunately many Americans don't communicate in the kind of English taught in most of the other countries of the world. In many cases they would understand a literal translation into "English" only slightly better than they would understand the original language from which the document was translated. However, once the "English translation" is "Americanized" by a capable proofreader or copyeditor, the light bulbs start turning on and the actual meaning of the original document is discerned, bringing the desired results.
Conversely, average American entrepreneurs, if they wish to communicate in English with the established business community and the rest of the world, need a proofreader and copyeditor to eliminate the evidence of the bad habits these entrepreneurs have developed since their last English grammar class.
One of the drawbacks of a free society is that personal perversions of the definition of freedom often include the opinion that "I can talk and write any way I like." And that's true, as long as you're not trying to communicate outside of your own small circle of "like believers." Those of us who rebelled against our grammar classes, no matter what our excuses were at the time, may need proofreading and copyediting services to bring our communications up to "business world" standards. Those of us whose school systems promoted even those students who hadn't mastered the language are quite aware that some people need a proofreader and copyeditor in their corners. The question is, are we so proud that we are unwilling to find out whether we need help too?
Do you write lengthy in-depth articles or do a lot of rewrites?
Some errors occur because the more you write on a subject and the more you rewrite your copy, the more familiar you become with the subject matter and the less likely you are to recognize errors, especially those created by rewrites. You begin to see the words that should be there, and you no longer see the words that shouldn't be there. A second opinion, after you think you're ready to submit your copy, can help. The fresh eyes of a freelance proofreader and copyeditor may discern errors otherwise overlooked.A Last Look can help.
A proofreader and copyeditor who is not familiar with the document needs to take a last look to ensure that you leave a good impression on your readers. Once you are represented on the web by a few quickly concocted articles, postings, e-mails, and web pages containing obvious errors, you may find it difficult to regain your credibility.It's not just my opinion.
One publishers' forum I lurk about (haven't had the nerve to post yet) actually had a thread where postings by multiple participants stated they would immediately reject a writer if the initial contact contained any errors.Another discussion group, in which I actively participate, contained the statement, "I lurk about some discussion groups but do not post to them because I do not want my business associated with such unprofessional-appearing groups." This only emphasizes my belief that people with good ideas/knowledge/functionality (else this potential associate/client wouldn't bother lurking—read: taking freebies) don't always express themselves in the best manner to attract associates/clients or the respect of the community (therefore this potential associate/client does not become involved/post—read: "buy"). Having a proofreader and copyeditor on the writing team can eliminate this problem.
My links to other people's opinions are disappearing, so I may have to do some more investigating to convince you, but here's one that's still out there. Click your back button to return here if you decide to read it.
"Mind your P's and Q's" is one article under the topic "E-mail Errors to Avoid" by David Wolfgang-Kimball at ThirdAge's Tech Insider
Ready to send it off, but too busy to proofread or edit your copy one more time? Have you just re-read it for the umpteenth time, made some more changes, and you think it's right, but your deadline is too close to give you a sufficient break between reads to catch any remaining mistakes? Send it to me, and I'll check it for you.
There is a lot of information on this site. Different visitors will find different information useful, and I'm sure no visitor will care to read it all. For that reason I will attempt to provide clearly identified links to information of interest to specific classes of readers. If you want to contact me, please follow the instructions below. If you find this site useful, please tell your friends using the popup form triggered by clicking on this button:
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Contact Person: Lynda Karr (FYI: Mrs., but we don't stand on ceremony around here.)
Contact Preference: E-mail--see instructions below.
All communications of any type with A Last Look are private and confidential, and may not be stored by any means or shared in any manner with anyone else without the written permission of Lynda Karr. Communications from you are accorded the same rights. Your e-mail address is never shared with anyone else without your express permission except as demanded by the law. If you receive a communication from me by mistake, you may not use anything in it for your personal gain or for the personal gain or detriment of others, and you should notify me at once, delete the communication, and ignore its contents.Message Instructions: I'm eager to hear from you, but thanks to UCE/SPAM and address-harvesting robots, I had to devise a method of masking my e-mail addresses and/or weeding out serious inquiries from junkmail. My method is to (1) provide a new e-mail address whenever spam overtakes me and (2) provide subject lines for you to use that robots can't use.
(1) If you don't need me now but think you might in the future, bookmark this page and come back here to click on the current e-mail address when you need me. Once you become a client/networker, you'll be given my permanent address.
(2) To enable my e-mail program to filter your message properly, please type or copy-and-paste one of the following subject lines into the subject line of your message. I look at messages with these subject lines first and the rest of my messages when I get around to it. Once I become familiar with your address, you won't need to worry about this step.
I may need a proofreader and/or copyeditor.
I am a proofreader and/or copyeditor.
I'd like to be a proofreader and/or copyeditor.
I have a comment about A Last Look and/or your Web site.Then click on the "Send e-mail" link.
Once you've clicked on the link, your e-mail program will pop up. Right-click in the Subject line, and click paste to enter the subject line you chose from those above (or just type it in). Then, compose your message including how I should address you in my response, at least your general location (city, time zone), a phone number at which you can be reached in case e-mail ceases to work, and a short outline of what you are hoping to accomplish. If you are requesting a free estimate, please attach your project file(s) or a file containing a few pages from the middle of your project.
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To send a personal message, write a subject line that includes the name I would know you by, like "Do you remember Lynda Sandford, from Maple Shade, NJ?", and click on the following link: Hi, LyndaHaving trouble? If mailer daemon returns your message or if the links above don't appear to work for you, send your message directly to me at dzntwrk (means the link or your e-mail "doesn't work") @alastlook.com, but please don't forget the subject-line instructions above.
If you are a potential client and do not receive a reply from me within one business day, it may be because your e-mail host treats mail from Yahoo.com as spam. Check with your provider to see if placing my yahoo address in your filters or address book will negate that block. If so, send me a message telling me that, and I'll send you the yahoo address to put in your filters or address book (via my ISP e-mail, currently handtechisp.com). If putting my yahoo address in your program won't work, please resend your request, and tell me your e-mail host won't accept yahoo mail. Hopefully your e-mail host will accept mail from my ISP. I move around a bit and my ISP can change, so I prefer to use stable, continuous, able-to-be-reached-from-any-computer Yahoo.
If you are a potential networker or newbie/wannabe, you won't hear from me until network activity increases and I am once again accepting applicants or I have new pages on the site that may be of interest to you. I will keep your information on file for that purpose and that purpose alone.
Thanks so much! I look forward to hearing from you, even if it is to complain about my site (grin)! If you know what you want and I know who you are, you can use the following buttons to fund your retainer.
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