A Last Look Worldwide Online Proofreader and Text Editor or Copyeditor
Use a "wordwright" in your write-right rites!
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I do not guarantee the work quality of any Networker. Each networker will respond to requests for free estimates. When you send a file, a portion of that file will be edited and returned to you as a sample of the networker's talent and style. You will also receive an estimate of how much you can expect to pay for your project based on the sample you submitted. You may request an estimate from whichever networkers and as many as you wish.
HINT: I have observed in testing networkers that credentials don't necessarily indicate talent, but samples are relatively conclusive.All mail to networkers is sent to the network administrator at proofreaders.net. To contact one of these networkers, simply type persona@proofreaders.net (substitute administrator for persona) into the To: field of your e-mail program. In the subject line, please type the word "contacting" and the name(s) of the networker(s)you wish to contact. You can then type and send your message and the network administrator will forward the message to the targeted networker(s). The networker(s) will then contact you directly.
This method is used for several reasons, the most important of which is the quality of the network. While I don't guarantee the quality of the results you receive for any particular project, I do maintain a quality standard for networkers to be accepted into or retained in the network. Therefore, within a few weeks of your message to the networker(s), the network administrator will contact you and request feedback from you concerning your experience(s) with the networker(s) with whom you have dealt. That is the only e-mail message you will receive from the network administrator.
Another way to provide this information would be to send a Cc or Bcc to persona@proofreaders.net (where persona = administrator) of your negotiations with the networker(s). These copies can then be filed in the networker's(s') folder(s) to track unacceptable or unprofessional (or excellent) behavior on the networker's part. If a pattern of unprofessional or unsatisfactory work emerges, the networker will be dropped. If a pattern of excellence emerges, the networker will be referred more often to other potential clients. As you can see, this procedure is vital to maintaining high-quality services to you, the client.
If you are a potential networker who has applied for inclusion in the network but do not see your name listed here, please click here to notify me.
If you are an experienced proofreader or copy editor and would like to be included in the network, please click here notify me.
Proofreaders, Copy Editors
Lynda Karr 0980501 Proofreading and editing Web sites, discussion-group or bulletin-board posts, e-mails, articles, business letters, business and other manuals, business and research reports, newspapers, newsletters, catalogs, cookbooks, poems, fiction and nonfiction manuscripts, and plays: anything that can be sent as an e-mail attachment. Experience with Business, Medical, Political, Religious, and Historical nonfiction and/or Action, Mystery, Suspense, Romance, Juvenile Fantasy, and Historical fiction. No Horror or offensive, hateful, excessively violent (sadistic) or sexually explicit material. Lynda Lotman 0980630 Editing, proofreading, and formatting for students, businesses, authors, and the public. Thesis and dissertation specialist: APA, Turabian, and MLA formats. James Leishman 0980729 Proofreading/Copyediting Television scripts, print ads. Experience in law and architecture firms. Julie Brown 0981007 Business (grant proposals, websites) and Academia (term projects in papers, essays, theses), politically correct language, and disability issues. Barbara S. Farrell 0981202 Resume Writer, Proofreader
Meg Stocks 0990111 Research (online and reference), writing, editing, proofreading, and re-writing, specializing in legal services, contract drafting, proofreading (all types) and cookbook editing. Derrick Cain 0990209 Writing (news, features, technical, creative), editing, proofreading and graphic design. Donna Devine 0990211 Copywriter, proofreader/copyeditor, translator, specializing in translations between Dutch and English Elizabeth Graham 0990219 Freelance proofreader, editorial consultant, and editor specializing in legal services and childen's literature. Jim Gilhooly 0990414 I am a freelance proofreader experienced in editing web sites, newspaper articles, books, manuscripts, etc. Also available for college theses, legal documents, depositions and medical transcripts. Robert Winters 0990518 Have copyedited a wide range of publications, including general interest books (economics, history, and current events), technical journals, medical manuals, administrative handbooks, and a screenplay. Have written synopses for manuscripts, biographical updates for numerous authors, artist statements, and gallery descriptions. Kathy Paparchontis 0990521 Advanced academic proofreading, copyediting and formatting. Medical articles for the layman. Copyediting book-length manuscripts, and book production. Resumes and cover letters. Areas of interest: anthropology, archaeology, sociology, women's studies, history, museum studies and ethnic studies. Some experience with graphics. Proficient with HP ScanJet Scanner. Indexing primarily scholarly texts. Historical research, on- and offline. Nancy Marple 0990524 Dissertation and thesis proofreading and editing, stories and philosophical essays. Sarah Eubanks 0990923 Bachelor of Arts in English and Public History, Texas Teaching Certificate with Gifted and Talented Endorsement. Specialize in English and History. Jim Sinclair 0991129 Copywriter for radio and tv, writer/editor for an agriculture related feature in local newspaper, and writer of articles as assigned by oil and gas publication. Geoff Pope 1000113 I am a freelance editor who has worked as an editorial assistant in a University International Writing Program, as an assistant professor of English and Creative Writing, and instructor of "The Groanless Grammar Workshop." Jitske Hart 1000214 I have degrees in Secondary English/French, interdisciplinary English as a Second Language/Linguistics. I have taught College English Composition, and have experience editing/writing for business, as well as experience as an assistant newsletter editor. Sue Gilad 1000222 Six years of full-time, freelance (telecommuting) copyediting and proofreading. Honors graduate of Brandeis University (English major). Never missed a deadline. Craig Berke 1000305 I'm available for a few daytime hours several days a week for general editing work. I can make copy tight and grammatical, I'll challenge what I read, and I'm quite accustomed to working under deadline. I can do some design work. Got a manuscript or an article for general readership? Something on politics, sports, parenting, the outdoors, fire fighting? I'm your guy. Kathy Wenger 1000319 I am a professional proofreader for an international direct marketing company. I have also done freelance writing for a Website and am a contributing writer for a corporate newsletter. Jodi-Renee Kaplan 1000406 I have excellent English language skills, a keen eye for detail and high standards. I have extensive experience in transcribing, editing, writing and proofreading materials such as business documents and correspondence, scientific papers, medical articles and reports, legal documents, technical reports, novels, short stories, scripts and essays. I am able to write material that takes into account the author's goal, the target audience, and the desired tone and message, resulting in an effective, high quality product. David Ezer 1000509 I am a careful and accurate proofreader primarily for marketing/promotional copy, particularly in regards to classical music. Fast typist and dedicated worker. Margaret Stephan 1000911 I have proofread and edited technical reports and manuals, software manuals, historical non-fiction books, resumes, articles, personnel handbooks, ebooks, and Web sites. I will do business, political, historical (fiction and non), action, mystery, sci-fi, and mild-medium romance. I do not do horror, legal, medical, religious, or "adult" (sexually explicit) fiction. My areas of interest are omnivorous reading, cooking, gardening, finance, history, natural sciences, U.S. travel, computers and the internet. Ellen Ellender 1010103 I provide copyediting, proofreading, and formatting and page layout services (using Quark Xpress), primarily for publishers of college textbooks, business books, and trade nonfiction books. Subjects range from accounting and management to law, economics, design, and the sciences. In my nonworking hours, I'm a Master Gardener and Master Composter, so any horticulture- or environment-related topic is of interest to me. I either meet the deadline or work with the client to adjust it, but I never sacrifice accuracy or thoroughness for the sake of speed. Richard Holt 1011128 Proofreading/Copy editing to native, US English; good Spanish translation; 18 years playing, using, learning about small computers, Dos, Windows, and Linux; most any format: MsOffice, StarOffice, Dos, Unix, html, zip, gzip, etcetera; biology, chemistry, hydralics, engineering, computer science, and other fields; proof to UK convention if desired, required, and requested; and experienced reading English written by speakers of other languages.
Gary Anderson 1011129 With more than 20 years experience as a freelance writer and editor, working in a wide variety of genres, Gary Anderson has garnered more than 500 credits, including his first book of short stories, which was published in February 2001. His second book is due out in the spring of 2002. His articles have appeared in more than 40 print-based and 20 web-based publications. Credits also include editing one weekly and four monthly publications as well as a number of full-length book manuscripts and scores of ESOL documents, brochures, reports, and public relations materials. He currently teaches freelance writing classes at www.online-university.com. He is also a published songwriter and professional musician. If it has to do with writing or editing, Gary can help.
Ready to send it off, but too busy to proofread your copy; or have you proofed it and rewritten it so much you're sick of it? Send it to one (or more) of us, and ask for your free estimate. Remember to put "Contacting: " and the networker(s) name(s) in the subject line of your e-mail to "administrator at proofreaders.net" (taking out the spaces and using @ instead of at).
There is a lot of information on this site. Different visitors will find different information useful, and I'm sure no visitor will care to read it all. For that reason I will attempt to provide clearly identified links to information of interest to specific classes of readers. If you want to contact me, please follow the instructions below. If you find this site useful, please tell your friends using the popup form triggered by clicking on this button:
Navigation and Contact Info:
Contact Person: Lynda Karr (FYI: Mrs., but we don't stand on ceremony around here.)
Contact Preference: E-mail--see instructions below.
All communications of any type with A Last Look are private and confidential, and may not be stored by any means or shared in any manner with anyone else without the written permission of Lynda Karr. Communications from you are accorded the same rights. Your e-mail address is never shared with anyone else without your express permission except as demanded by the law. If you receive a communication from me by mistake, you may not use anything in it for your personal gain or for the personal gain or detriment of others, and you should notify me at once, delete the communication, and ignore its contents.Message Instructions: I'm eager to hear from you, but thanks to UCE/SPAM and address-harvesting robots, I had to devise a method of masking my e-mail addresses and/or weeding out serious inquiries from junkmail. My method is to (1) provide a new e-mail address whenever spam overtakes me and (2) provide subject lines for you to use that robots can't use.
(1) If you don't need me now but think you might in the future, bookmark this page and come back here to click on the current e-mail address when you need me. Once you become a client/networker, you'll be given my permanent address.
(2) To enable my e-mail program to filter your message properly, please type or copy-and-paste one of the following subject lines into the subject line of your message. I look at messages with these subject lines first and the rest of my messages when I get around to it. Once I become familiar with your address, you won't need to worry about this step.
I may need a proofreader and/or copyeditor.
I am a proofreader and/or copyeditor.
I'd like to be a proofreader and/or copyeditor.
I have a comment about A Last Look and/or your Web site.Then click on the "Send e-mail" link.
Once you've clicked on the link, your e-mail program will pop up. Right-click in the Subject line, and click paste to enter the subject line you chose from those above (or just type it in). Then, compose your message including how I should address you in my response, at least your general location (city, time zone), a phone number at which you can be reached in case e-mail ceases to work, and a short outline of what you are hoping to accomplish. If you are requesting a free estimate, please attach your project file(s) or a file containing a few pages from the middle of your project.
Send e-mail
To send a personal message, write a subject line that includes the name I would know you by, like "Do you remember Lynda Sandford, from Maple Shade, NJ?", and click on the following link: Hi, LyndaHaving trouble? If mailer daemon returns your message or if the links above don't appear to work for you, send your message directly to me at dzntwrk (means the link or your e-mail "doesn't work") @alastlook.com, but please don't forget the subject-line instructions above.
If you are a potential client and do not receive a reply from me within one business day, it may be because your e-mail host treats mail from Yahoo.com as spam. Check with your provider to see if placing my yahoo address in your filters or address book will negate that block. If so, send me a message telling me that, and I'll send you the yahoo address to put in your filters or address book (via my ISP e-mail, currently handtechisp.com). If putting my yahoo address in your program won't work, please resend your request, and tell me your e-mail host won't accept yahoo mail. Hopefully your e-mail host will accept mail from my ISP. I move around a bit and my ISP can change, so I prefer to use stable, continuous, able-to-be-reached-from-any-computer Yahoo.
If you are a potential networker or newbie/wannabe, you won't hear from me until network activity increases and I am once again accepting applicants or I have new pages on the site that may be of interest to you. I will keep your information on file for that purpose and that purpose alone.
Thanks so much! I look forward to hearing from you, even if it is to complain about my site (grin)! If you know what you want and I know who you are, you can use the following buttons to fund your retainer.
$18.00 (one hour of my time) $25.00 Retainer $50.00 Retainer $100.00 Retainer $500.00 Retainer