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Creation Myth Series, continued

For millenia the lotus has symbolised 'Sacred Fertility'. Beginning in Asia, and spreading from there, the lotus became important to the Hindu, Bhuddist, and on into Egypt where it is found in the tombs of the great kings.

watercolor & acrylic
19.5" x 14.5"


According to the Pandora Myth, the last thing to emerge form the box was Hope, the Healer. I used the symbols of the Caduceus, the Life Force ascending the Pillar of Life.

watercolor & acrylic
30" x 22"

Orisha of the Yoruba peoples, in the western part of Africa, she has been adopted by the Santa Ria religion. Called "The Great Mother of the Waters", and "The Mother of Many of the Orishas". Her element is water, and her daughters rule the rivers. She has great compasion for humanity: always there to protect and nurture us, guarding her children as fiercely as any good mother.

w/c & acrylic
24" x 18"



Autobiographical in nature, this one is full of my interests in other peoples and cultures, in the beauty of each race as a valuable part of the whole. It expresses the importance of 'sacred clowns' of the world, the ways we are more the same than different, and problem-solving. Learning, knowlege, growth into wisdom are all a part of 'Becoming'.

watercolor & acrylic
23.75" x 33.5"


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