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About the

Major Arcana


Consisting of 22 cards, listed from 0 to 21, this is the section that is the oldest part of the Tarot. It is believed that this is the section that was the beginning of the Tarot deck that we know today.

This is also the section that holds the great mystique with the Tarot. Images such as Death and the Devil are often what people think of when they think of the Tarot. But although these cards might seem to be 'scary', I have yet to come across either of these cards in a reading where the person didn't already know and understand their influence in their lives. In my card meanings section of the Major Arcana, I have put the meanings of these cards and all the others so that the newbie can learn more about reading them and can remove some of the mystique for themselves. The Tarot ultimately, doesn't create the situations, it merely reflects what is already there on some level.

When learning to read the Tarot, it is best to understand this section first, as it will be the basis of all of your readings. Whatever Major Arcana cards appear in a reading, they are the ones that dictate what the reading is primarily about. These cards should be read first, and when reading the Minor Arcana cards with it, it should be remembered that it is the Major Arcana that state what the Minor Arcana cards refer to, not vice versa.

Although it might seem a little complicated and contradictory when learning spreads to look at the Major Arcana first, it is best to learn that although the Minor Arcana cards might look important or favourable, it is the Major Arcana that let you know the real story. Learning to read the Major Arcana first in a reading will help you to give accurate readings. Just take a quick look at all of the Major Arcana cards first when you lay out the cards, and then read the cards in order as you learn your spreads. Again, getting into this habit will help you give accurate readings.

Another important point in reading the Major Arcana is to remember that when doing smaller spreads, the Major Arcana will let you know if there is more to the story than meets the eye. If you are doing a small spread and there are 3 or more Major Arcana cards in the spread, it is best to then do a larger spread. The appearance of many Major Arcana cards will tell you that there is more information waiting for the person that can only be obtained by using more cards for the reading. This will also help you learning and as you become more comfortable with reading the Tarot, you will find that this little tip will help you find out what issues are important, and what aren't.

I will be sure to add more to this section later so please bookmark and come back later.

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© Tanja's Tarot 1999