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Decks &



Here is my Decks and Books section. If you are new to the Tarot and would like to know more about picking the right deck and buying the right books to get you started, please take a look at my Choosing Decks page and take a look there. If you have any questions feel free to post them in the forum.

I have made a review here of all of the books and decks that I have bought myself and that I use. I know how hard it is to buy new books and especially Tarot decks as there are so many out there. I have tried to make this a little easier by putting reviews on this site.

You will be able to buy online through Barnes and Noble through the links on the pages. If you would prefer just to pen down the names of the books and take a look at them in your local bookstore feel free to do that also. This is a totally non-profit site and I make no money from selling books or decks online.

I will be going through this section soon and dividing it into different categories to make it even easier. I will also be sure to add more places to visit to help you find you right deck. So stay tuned. Another update is on the way......

Tarot Calendar: For the year 2000

Available Now!!

Tarot Wall Calendar Year 2000

Available Oct!


Beginner Decks


Other Decks


Books for Beginner/Intermediate Readers

Miscellaneous Books - Advanced, Spells and Meditations

Also, if you are looking for a Tarot deck in particular or if you want to buy ones not listed here check out US GAMES

They are the largest maker of Tarot Cards in the world and they will be sure to have a Tarot deck that you like. You can also buy directly from their site and check out some of their Tarot related links. Definately a must to take a look at, even if you aren't in the market for a new Tarot deck at the moment.


Major Arcana
Minor Arcana 
Books & Decks
Other Stuff
Spells & Meditations

© Tanja's Tarot 1999