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Other Books

I wanted to put a fair few books on here so if you would like to see the book cover, please click on the link. For some reason it doesn't seem to be working from Barnes and Noble and I need to conserve some valuable meg space here at Angelfire. :)

Tarot Spells

A good book to get you started on Tarot Spells. A reasonable price too. :)


Tarot and the Tree of Life

An interesting book and one that is helpful to those who are starting on getting more information about the Tarot that isn't nessesarily reading focused.

Tarot Dictionary & Compendium

You must buy this book. In all seriousness, if you are just past learning the basics of the cards and you would like to know more, this is the classic reference book. It lists all of the traditional card meanings against each other for comparison. Definately something worth having in the Tarot library.

Tarot as a Way of Life: A Jungian Approach to the Tarot

I have a few books like this, and they are interesting to read. I find the approach a little too abstract for my liking, but if that's where you are looking to go then this kind of book will add new depths to your understanding of the cards.

The Tarot Path to Self-Development

A good book to work with. Meditations to use with your Tarot deck. A good companion to your readings.

Tarot of Gemstones and Crystals

I don't have this book, but it looks really interesting. I wouldn't mind a little Tarot help when selecting some crystals.....Might buy this one myself..

Tarot and Individuation; Correspondences with Cabala and Alchemy

Now we're getting into the serious stuff. This is best suited for those who are advanced readers of the Tarot or those who are experienced in Tarot spells.

Tarot & Astrology

A good book for those like myself who are studying astrology as well as the Tarot. Again, this is a book that is probably best left for when you are more experienced with reading the Tarot.

The Tarot Guide Book for Spiritual Enlightenment

I don't have this one, but it does look like a good book for Tarot meditations. I wouldn't mind owning this myself.

Tarot; Twenty-Two Steps to a Higher Path

As above. This book is hard to come by at Barnes and Noble by the looks of things, so if you have a hard time finding it at your local, I wouldn't be surprised. Looks like a good book on meditation and the Tarot.

Tarot Unveiled; The Method to Its Magic

A good book looking at the Tarot in general. Worth taking a look at if you are interested in reading some general books about the Tarot. There are a few of them out there, but I don't get around to reading all of them, so if you are interested then take a look at your local bookstore. They might have more selection than what is available at Barnes and Noble online.

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