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This is an important section and one that must be read if you have not done any spells before, or if you have only done a few.   
There are a few things to remember first of all before starting any spells. The first one is that spells are not 'magic' in the way that we see on TV and things don't just happen like they do on 'Bewitched' or any other program. Spellcrafting works when you use the natural energies of the earth and the environment that we live in. Nothing can happen, regardless of what we see on TV, outside of the laws of nature and the universe.
Thus, when using the Tarot or any other spell, you are not using 'magic'. You are simply using the forces that already exist within the structure of the universe to produce results consciously.
Everyone naturally spellcasts all day every day. When we wish for the bus to come, or if we light a candle for a romantic evening, we are unconsciously spellcasting. The only difference between casting a spell and living your life is that one is a conscious action to produce desired results and one is unconscious.
Unfortunately, spell casting has come under fire in the past and labelled evil, Satanic or what-have-you. Spell casting is none of these things. Yet this reputation has drawn to spellcasting people that believe that spells are only to be used when desiring something that is unobtainable in natural reality. The truth is that nothing can be obtained by unnatural means. Wanting a spell to turn a lover against their spouse or making someone love you will not work as the underlying principle of the desire works against the natural laws of the universe. If you are looking for a spell such as these, you might be able to find something else on the web that will promise to offer you this. But whether or not it will work is an entirely different matter.
Spell casting is, in it's purest form, understanding the nature of reality that we live in. This is why I have included both Spells and Meditations under the one section. Both of these things are about understanding and using the forces that exist in the universe. Spells and Mediations are ways in which we can learn and use these forces.

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© Tanja's Tarot 1999