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Making Your

Own Spells


Making your own spells is the best idea when using spells with the Tarot. As the Tarot is so personal and so accurate in guiding, using the Tarot to make your own spells that are just right for you is perfect.   
It is believed by many, and I agree with them, that making your own spells is the best way to get a result. The Tarot makes it easy to find out what spell you need and with a little imagination, you can have your own set of spells.
It is even better to use the Tarot to make up a new spell each time you need one and let it guide you.
Remember to use your deck that you have especially for Tarot Spells and to use only the Major Arcana at least at the beginning. When you are more confident with casting your own spells then you may incorporate the Minor Arcana. I just feel that the Major Arcana is better for this kind of thing.

To get started, shuffle the deck as you would for a normal Celtic Cross spread for yourself. As you shuffle, think about casting a spell and ask the Tarot to provide you with the right card. Lay out the cards as you would normally for this spread and the last card in the spread will be the card that you should use for your spell.
Don't worry if the card seemingly has little to do with your present dilemma. Remember that the Tarot is privy to great information that perhaps has not risen to your consciousness. If you do not feel right using this card, wait until another day and ask the Tarot again. Remember to think about the spread and use your intuition. Perhaps the information that you need to cast the spell will be forthcoming.
When you are comfortable with the card that the Tarot has selected for you make your spell.
There are a few things that you need to do but it is very simple. Just think about what words, thoughts and deeds you will need to do to make your desire be realised and incorporate those into a spell. Think about the elements of nature as represented in the Tarot. Fire, Water, Earth and Air. This is why I think that candles are so effective in spells casting, combining the elements of fire and using the universal principle of casting light is a powerful combination.
Think about your card and what element it represents. It may be best to use that element and the visual representations of the card in your spell. Remember that making your spell is like doing a reading. Intuition is the best tool that you have for getting the right information.
Then just use what you have to do your spell. Write a verse to recite for your spell, pick the element you are going to work with and either use the element or have it's representation on your altar or in your sacred space. Pick your own ritual and times to recite your verse. Whatever you are comfortable with. That's the idea.
Always end your spell by thanking the universe for providing your with the result.
Take a look at my Spells index for some tips if you are having trouble structuring your spells. It's all trial and error. There might be times of the day that are best for you and times that are not. Find whatever works for you and keep going until you have found the right way. A spell can be anything so keep your mind open. You just need to find the right one for you.

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