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I have put some spells here for you to get started. Spells work best when you make up your own and I have a link to that page from the Spells section.
I like to think of these more as suggestions rather than 'spells'. Just like Tarot Spreads, these can be reworked to suit your own needs. There is no set way to do spells in the same way that there is no set way to read the Tarot. It's more a matter of finding what works best for you and using it.
Remember to use a seperate deck for spellcasting. A deck that you have made yourself or at least coloured in yourself works best. You can buy blank decks for this or you can use that computer you are surfing on to create your own deck. The more input you have when using spells the better. Making your own deck is perfect for this kind of thing.
The Major Arcana is the arcana that I feel should be used with spells. As tempting as it is to get out the 'wish' card or the 10 of pentacles, I believe that the most important arcana should be used here. I will try to add a spell for each card in the major arcana as I go along. Remember, this site is a work in progress!
Either way, it is up to you to work with spells to do what is right for you. Here are a few suggestions:   

Fool Spell

Major Arcana
Minor Arcana 
Books & Decks
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Spells & Meditations

© Tanja's Tarot 1999