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Ok. Getting started with spells is easy to do. But there are a few things to get ready before you begin.   
The first and most important thing is to understand how spells work. As has been covered in the basics section, spells are not like TV. They involve using the natural forces of the universe consciously to produce desired results.
Spells are a personal thing and not something that can be given to another as TV likes to tell us. Understanding your own way of doing and living is important as this will be the way to help make spells work for you - this is why understanding the Tarot is helpful for learning to spellcast. The same principals for learning spreads and reading apply here. Do what works best for you.
The first thing to know is that spells must incorporate 3 basic principals. Or the divine 3. The divine 3 is mind/body/spirit, thought/word/deed, father/son/holyghost ect ect ect. For spells, we use the thought/word/deed principal. Whenever you are casting, you must remember that is is this principal that will make the spell work. The correct application of this principal will produce the result, not the actual words or deeds alone. When you understand and use this prinicpal correctly, you should find that your spells will be successful.
There are several things to help prepare for your spell casting that will help facilitate the process of combining thought/word and deed. Here is a little list of what you might do to help the process.

1. Create a Sacred Space where your spells happen. This can be a small space, or an altar where you always do your spell casting. Remember to only use this space for spell casting and nothing else. This will help you to focus when you are doing your spells.
2. Wear special spell clothes. This outfit must only be used for spell casting and nothing else. It can be anything but preferably silk or natural fibres. This can also help you to focus when doing your spells.
3. Remember to use your candles only once for each spell individually. Having only the one purpose for each item you use will help to focus the energy on the spells.
As this is a new section, I will be sure to add more here as I think of it. I actually write all of this off the top of my head so you will also have to forgive any spelling too.
The most important thing here is to figure out how it is going to work for you. There are no hard and fast rules regardless of popular opinion. Just take your time and use your intuition to guide you with what you feel as though you need.

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