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The Tarot is divided into 2 main sections - the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. 
The Major Arcana represents the more important issues in life while the Minor Arcana represents the day to day issues. The Major Arcana does not only represent what is happening on a physical level but also on a spiritual level. It's scope can extend to represent what is happening on many levels of our psyche. 
Although the Minor Arcana is important when reading the cards also, it's importance is limited to those issues that are of a lesser significance. 
Understanding these 2 elements of the Tarot are essential. It is important for both the amateur and professional to remember when reading the cards that although the minor arcana are relevant, it is best to pay more specific attention to what the Major Arcana is telling us and work on completely interpreting their place in the spread firstly. 
Below is a menu looking at both the Minor and Major Arcana card sections. All card meanings are listed therein.
Major Arcana 
Minor Arcana 

Major Arcana
Minor Arcana 
Books & Decks
Other Stuff
Spells & Meditations

© Tanja's Tarot 1999