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I'm just going to put some tips on reading on here and will probably add whatever I have forgotten to put on the other pages here too.  :)  I want to be as honest as I can here so that you get a better idea of what's relevant with reading the Tarot and what isn't.
This page will be forever expanding as I remember more and more that I should put on my site about the Tarot.  
Here are some of my tips for reading the Tarot accurately.

-  Always look at the Major Arcana first.

-  Choose a spread that's appropriate for the question and if possible, have different decks for each of your favourite spreads.
Ideally, you should have one deck for readings for yourself and one for reading for others.  To use the one deck will confuse the energies however it is fine at the beginning to use the one deck for everything.  
Two is the bare minimum you should have and every deck thereafter should be dedicated to a different spread.  This helps with the accuracy of the readings and it is one of the Tarot policies that I follow that I find works well.  Last count, I had 4 Tarot decks - each of which I use for different things.  Naturally, the bargain bin had something to do with these purchases. :) 

-Keep your Tarot in purple silk.
  This helps keep the Tarot protected from external energies.
It can be a bag or simply wrapped in it.  It doesn't really matter so only buy a special bag for your own pleasure rather than nessessity.

-Think carefully before you shuffle the deck and word your question properly.  A carefully worded question will help produce an accurate result.

-Remember to be open with times and dates.  Give yourself more time rather than less for the events to transpire.

-Practice reading with the smaller spreads too.  These help understand details in the larger ones.

-Use small spreads for everyday use, larger ones less frequently.

-When reading for yourself and close friends don't ask the Tarot the same question over and over - it will simply produce inaccurate readings.

-Remember to shuffle the deck before and after reading for someone else.  I find that shuffling before helps my readings as I focus on the person I am going to read for while I shuffle.

-Make sure the energy on the deck is clean when reading for other people.  Don't over shuffle as this might bring up 'your' cards. Also, shuffle after a reading for someone else.  Nothing worse than someone shuffling a deck with everyone elses energies on it.  I find this very unsettling and don't like it in my decks or other peoples.  

-I do not read the cards reversed.  Many books have reversed card meanings but I only read them if I feel that it makes sense with the rest of the cards in the spread.  In my mind it is too easy to have a card reversed pre-shuffling and therefore would be inaccurate for another person's spread.  It is up to you which way to go however don't feel that just because the books say to read reversed that you should.  It's a personal choice.

-Some people use a crystal on their table to enhance their readings.  Again, this is a personal choice. 

-The Tarot should be read on a purple fabric - purple being the colour of intuition and spirituality.  I have found readings to work whether I lay them on purple fabric or not however if you try it and find is useful use it.  I personally think the difference is only slight in the readings. 
That's about all that I can think of for now. 
I'll be sure to add more to this at a later date. 

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