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World Meditation

This is more of a visualisation rather than a meditation as such. Feel free to use what you like from it and then disregard what you don't. The purpose of this visualisation is to learn how to reach your goals.

-Sit or lie in a relaxed position. Make sure it is quite and relaxed environment.
-Have the World Card from your deck in front of you.
-Look at the image and close your eyes. Imagine the card in your minds eye.
-Go into the image. Visualise yourself as the woman with the banner around her. Imagine how she feels. Focus on feeling on top of the world as she is. Imagine you as she is, filled with knowledge and joy from completing the path of the Tarot. If you are male, imagine this person as yourself. It doesn't have to be a female focused meditation. The most important thing is to focus on the feeling that you are on top of the world.
-Spend 10 min or so with this feeling. Focus on the feeling and let the wisdom of the image flow to you. What do you need to do to feel as she is feeling?
-Finish your meditation.
This is a very powerful meditation. Feel free to leave the image if you are feeling uncomfortable with it. The most important thing is to get in touch with the feeling rather than journey into the image itself.

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