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Angel Basics...An Introduction

Angel Basics

- An Introduction -

©1993-2013 Daniel D Kudra...All Rights Reserved!

Angels are almost universally acknowledged, holding an important place in most religions and beliefs.

Most of the Guardian Angels that I introduce to you in your Angel Readings belong to the orders of Archangels and Angels. These celestial orders are the closest to us here on earth and our strongest link with the Divine. In fact, the word Angel comes from the Greek 'angelos' meaning 'messenger' - between humans and God. All our angels and guardian angels belong to this realm.

Angels can be an important link also to our other spirit guides, and that is how I can sometimes introduce these guides to you.

Archangels are the higher emissaries between God or the Divine, and humans. The 'el' at the end of the Angels' names means 'shining being'. Christianity recognizes 7 Archangels, while Judaism recognizes 4. According to the Book of Enoch (second century BC), these are the 'holy angels who watch'. They are God's holiest and most trusted Angels.

In my brief introductions below, I have combined traditional and Christian descriptions along with those of earth based religions.

Uriel (Auriel)
Associated with the Earth element Color: White, Gold, Earth tones This Archangel is 'over the world'. Archangel Uriel's name means Fire of God, and he is known as The Angel of Repentance. His Christian symbol is am open hand holding a flame. In Christian tradition, Uriel is also the Angel of Music, The Angel of Poetry and the Angel of Prophecy. Uriel also assists in communicating with nature, and can be called on to assist with material and earthly matters.

Associated with the Air element
Color: Sky Blue and Gold
This Archangel is 'over the spirits of men'
Also called St. Raphael, this Archangel is 'the Shining One who Heals'. His symbol is the sun. Raphael protects travelers and heals the sick and injured, granted the gift of healing by God. While Raphael is also the angel of Science and Knowledge, he is equally known to be charming and fun loving.


Associated with the Fire element
Color: Red
This Archangel is 'over the best parts of humanity and over chaos' His name means Who is like to God. Also known as St. Michael, Archangel Michael is said to be the closest to God and is heaven's greatest defender and mightiest warrior against evil. His symbol is a fiery sword.

His (sometimes her) name means God is my Strength
Associated with the Water Element
Color: sea green
This Archangel is 'over Paradise' Gabriel sits at the left hand of God, and is the angel of incarnation, of conception and birth and of dreams. Gabriel's emblem is the lily, symbolizing conception, and it is Gabriel who instructs souls for the nine months before they enter the world.

This Archangel 'takes vengeance on the world of luminaries'
As the "Friend of God" Raguel judges and watches over his fellow angels.

This Archangel is 'over the spirits who sin in the spirit'
Saraqael, or Sariel, is responsible for the behavior of other angels, as well as healing.

This Archangel is 'over those who rise'
The name Remiel (also Ramiel or Jeremiel) means God Raises Up; accordingly this is the Angel in charge of souls on their way to heaven. He is the Angel of Hope.



In some traditions, the Supreme Angel, Angel of the Covenant and Heavenly Scribe.

The Angel of the Secret Regions and Supreme Mysteries.

The Angel of Air, who breathes air into the body.

The rebel Angel, now known as Satan.

- by Reverend Daniel D. Kudra




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"We are ALL Spiritual Beings having the human being experience,

not human beings having the Spiritual Experience.


For each of us are here together on Earth, attending Earth school-

to learn, to love & teach love and evolve to move forward."

-----Reverend Daniel D. Kudra

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