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Death. The Grim reaper. He comes in the dead of night. He collects the souls of the dead. He rides a horse called Binky. And he likes cats.

Death, who TALKS LIKE THIS, appears in every book. There are 4 books which are specifically about him or his domain. He first appeared in "The Colour of Magic". Then he was very much the bad guy. However, even by "The Light Fantastic" he had changed dramatically. Now, it's not exactly that he's become a brave crusader for all things good and beautiful but he certainly doesn't take pleasure out of killing people. Not that he actually does kill people. He just cleans up the mess.

Death isn't a God and he's not a person. He's just a being, an anthropomorphic personification, if you will. Because of this he doesn't have any feelings and he usually just gets on with the job. But every now and then he does show an interest in humans and their emotions, not that he really understands either. A bit like Data from Star Trek I suppose.

Anyway, deep down Death is a nice guy, whether he knows it or not.

Discworld books starring Death:

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