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"Death comes to us all. When he came to Mort, he offered him a job.

After being assured that being dead was not compulsory, Mort accepted. However, he soon found that romantic longings did not mix easily with the responsibilities of being Death's apprentice..."

"Mort" is the first Death book (Although Death does appear in every book). Death in this book is completely different from the kind of evil character that appeared in "The Colour of Magic". He's much more, well, not caring, but, well he's not evil anyway . This is the first Discworld book to have a love plot in it. I suppose you could even say it has a sordid love triangle. But that's probably pushing it a bit too far. Rincewind makes a cameo appearence and Granny Weatherwax also gets a mention. Although they don't get involved in the romance plot. Pity. Most people recommend this as a good place to start on discworld. Most of the characters are new and you don't need too much knowledge of the other books to get enjoyment out of it. I'd be fairly confident it'd get you hooked although I'd still probably recommend The Colour of Magic as a starting point. There are some plans for a movie based on Mort but don't hold your breath.

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