Above:(From left to right) Carrot, Detritus, Colon, Nobby, Gaspode and Vimes(Although I never pictured him looking anything like that. And never will.)
The Ankh Morpork City Watch were the last of the regular characters to get their own book first appearing in "Guards! Guards!" in 1989. Since then (I think) they have become Terry's favourite characters - "Feet of Clay", "Jingo" and "The Fifth Elephant" were only a few books apart. They also have a part to play in "The Truth". Many people think that the Watch books are the best in the discworld series due to a strong mix of characters and an element of mystery in some of the books.
The Watch certainly does have alot of characters from Angua(Beautiful, Stunning, tendency to become a big hairy, sweaty animal on occasion) to Detritus(Big dum troll). When we first meet Vimes(Leader of the watch) he's a recovering alcoholic. Carrot is 6ft tall and has to face the fact that he may not be a dwarf. Not to mention Colon and Nobby.
Gaspode The (arthritic, talking) Wonder Dog mightn't be a member of the watch in the strictest sense of the word but him being my favourite character I had to mention him somewhere
The Watch Books:
Gaspode also appears in Moving Pictures.
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