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The Discworld books are a series of comic fantasy books written by Terry Pratchett set on a flat planet called Discworld. The first book was "The Colour of Magic" and was released in 1983. It was a parody of various other sci-fi/fantasy stuff around at the time and was not expected to grow into what discworld is today. But grow it did. TCOM was so popular that it didn't take long for it's sequel "The Light Fantastic" to be released. The books are now well into their 20's but the Discworld phenomenon doesn't stop there. For those that are interested there are diaries, t-shirts, candlesticks, computer games and even a cook book. And what makes Discworld so popular? Most likely, the thing that seperates it from the rest of it's genre - the fact that it's funny. So many aspects of our own life are parodied on the Discworld - you'll see just how stupid we can be. But it's not just the parodies that'll make you laugh, some things are funny just because they are and would work in any book or t.v. programme or film.

But what is the actual Discworld then? Well, it's a flat planet which rests atop four huge elephants, who themselves stand on the gigantic space faring turtle, Great A'Tuin. Makes sense. The disc(as it's often called) varies greatly from place to place, from the natural beauty of the ramtop mountains to the desert land of Klatch to the sprawling(And really quite smelly) metropolis of Ankh-Morpork. A variety of species inhabit the disc including dwarves, werewolves, trolls, gnomes, vampires and, of course, humans. As you might have guessed the planet has a strong magical field leading to witches, wizards, orangoutan librarians, super villain shopping malls and all sorts of other insane goings on

Basically, the Discworld books are very, very good and very, very interesting(I bet you can't phrase it better). And as I've already mentioned they're not just run of the mill Dungeons and Dragons style affairs.

For some more info. go to the books and characters sections. For a taste of what the disc has to offer you can read "Theatre of Cruelty".

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