Steffan M. Bertsch

Bill Clinton has succumbed; he is falling because he has worshiped a
false idol. No, this writing will not prove that Clinton is Satanic,
nor that he is demonic, nor that he is a sociopath, nor a pervert nor a
perjurer. What this paper will prove beyond a spiritual doubt is that
Bill Clinton has foolishly placed his faith in a false "god," a god that
has granted him awesome earthly power. But, it is also a fickle god
that has him so frightened that he will sacrifice anything and
everything to it in hopes of avoiding its wrath.

What god is it that Clinton has sacrificed to, you might ask. All in
good time shall you see.

Bill Clinton's presidency is in grave jeopardy; he is only the third
president to have articles of impeachment drafted against him, and, if
party line votes hold firm, will be the second to be impeached by the
House of Representatives. Clinton is in this crisis because he
repeatedly lied to cover-up a tryst with one of his underlings, and,
also because he has abused his office to further the cover-up.

While saber rattling against Iraq is nearly a war declaration against
that country, Clinton has also declared a figurative war against his
accusers, firing multiple volleys upon them. In the quiver were
numerous twisted arrows launched by slick-talking lawyers giving bizarre
legal defenses to perjury, poisoned arrows shot by various presidential
aides, and a myriad of insincere personal apologies directed at the
emotional public. The quiver is nearly empty, which is why "Wag the
Dog" is again being considered against Iraq. But, this time the tale is
getting the better of the chief dog. The clock is making it impossible
for Clinton to maneuver. The holy month of Ramadan begins on the 19th
of December. If Clinton strikes during the month of Ramadan, the
Islamic world will turn on the USA
with a vengeance. Yet, should Clinton wait for the end of Ramadan
before striking Iraq, he could easily have been convicted by the Senate.

Clinton could have stopped the impeachment by admitting his perjury,
however, acceptance of responsibility is out of the question with him
because of the "god" he has chosen to worship. Arrogance well explains
why Clinton is taking a position that flies in the face of all the
evidence against him can only be explained by his worshiping a false god. Of
course, many recall that it was likewise hubris that eventually
collapsed the Nixon presidency.

The "god" Clinton has chosen is the American legal system. It is a
system that is supposedly founded to discern truth, but today, cares not
a wit for it. How can this be stated by a lawyer? With great sadness.

For all of the lies that were told in the O.J. Simpson case, who was
prosecuted for perjury except Detective Mark Fuhrman? And, he was only
prosecuted because he was foolish enough to make absolute statements
about never using the infamous "N" word in the entire decade preceding
testimony. Fuhrman uttered a word so horrible that politically correct
journalists dare not even write it. A word so despicable that Mark
Twain's classic, and one of America's few literary masterpieces,
Huckleberry Finn, has been banned for its use of it. Who's minding the
madhouse of the media anyway? How can it be deplorable to use the word
"nigger" and kosher to openly discuss oral sex on network news?

Isn't it the height of hypocrisy for a detective in the Simpson double-
homicide case to be convicted of perjury for saying "nigger" when he
testified he did not say such a word, while our president can lie to a
grand jury about sex and later cover it up? What is worse--for Fuhrman
to have said "nigger" and lied about it on the stand, or for Clinton to
have an underling perform fellatio upon him and thereafter deny it while
under oath? A convincing argument could be made that Fuhrman's speech
was so habitually laced with racial epithets because of his patent
prejudice that he could not remember using the language, that it was
automatic, and therefore he would not remember using the word. Many
experts could be presented to a jury concerning blocked memory.
However, few would be the experts who would support that a "sane" person
could have been serviced by a "friend" performing fellatio upon him on
multiple occasions, yet the incidents were forgotten. Alcoholic or
drug-induced "blackouts" could explain such fits of memory lapses, but
that type of defense would not fly with the American people.

Bill Clinton has worshiped the American "justice" system for so long,
that he believes that if it would prosecute Mark Fuhrman for perjury, it
would also go after him. This is lunacy. The American criminal justice
system only goes after perjurers when it is expedient to do so, and it
would only go after Clinton if he pushed the limit of its tolerance.
And, it must also be remembered that Fuhrman, for perjuring himself in a
double homicide case was put on probation and fined $200. That's how
horrible the courts think perjury is. The "justice" system, if given a
chance of convicting Clinton, might have even doubled or trebled the
penalty. Is that what Clinton's afraid of, a $600 fine?

No, Bill Clinton was and is wrongly under the impression that if he
admits to perjury, that he will go to jail. That is why he follows the
advice of lawyers who are giving him technically correct advice that is
utterly insane. That is why our president is absurdly debating what
"is" is, whether alone means by oneself, whether fellatio is sex. He is
frightened of the monstrous legal system, and, instead of trusting in
the forgiveness of the American people, he continues to worship and fear
the legal system.
Perhaps he can't trust the American public because he has no forgiveness
within him, no love, nothing but selfish thoughts, so he can't imagine
that other people would be different than he. Maybe he doesn't
understand that most people won't crush a person who is down and
vulnerable, just because
he might in like circumstances. Perhaps that would explain his
reluctance to trust the citizens of America.

We do have evidence from a being that many of the Western World consider
to be the authority of how our Creator views earthly justice. When the
scribes and Pharisees brought Jesus a woman caught in the act of
adultery and asked what He would do with her, He first ignored them and
wrote upon the ground with his finger. When the accusers persisted,
Jesus said that
he who was without sin should cast the first stone, and He returned to
his writing on the ground. When all of the embarrassed accusers left,
He asked the woman whether any man had accused her, to which she
replied, no man had. Neither did Jesus condemn her. (John 8:3-11).
Therefore, Jesus,
representing the Father, did utterly scorn man's "justice."

However, Clinton is so frightened of the wrath of his god and so
apparently lacking in understanding of the Divine Creator for whom Jesus
spoke, that Clinton has parlayed the presidency as an offering to his
idol. Now, this shows total lack of touch with reality. How could
anyone holding the
presidency be so frightened of the criminal legal system that he would
wager his seat in the White House? Only a fool would do such a thing.
Or a person who worships and sacrifices to the American legal system,
who, it is submitted, has been proven beyond a spiritual doubt herein,
to be a false god.
