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Chameleon Programme

Chicken Hawks = 9-11 year olds --> Chameleon trainees

Young Falcons = 9-11 year olds --> Young Chosen Chameleons trainees.

Burrowing Owls = 9-11 year olds --> Mixed parentage - Homo dominant and Homo sapiens - potential trainees

Ospreys = 12 - 15 year olds --> Chameleon trainees

Eaglets = 12-15 year olds --> Chosen trainees

Vultures = 16 -18 year olds --> Chameleon trainees

Condors = 16 - 18 year olds --> Chosen Chameleon trainees.

Buzzards = an assembly of young adults up to the age of 30, who for one reason or another needed to acquire Chameleon abilities or other special proficiencies.

IRS = Internal Revenue Service

Lake Havasupai = Lake of the People of the Blue-Green Water

Mount Pilan = The 'Mountain of Supreme Essence'

Nead an Iolair = Irish meaning - The Eagle's Eyrie

Potawatomi, = Native American word meaning - 'People of the Place of Fire, Keepers of the Fire, Fire Nation or Fire People'

RCMP = Royal Canadian Mounted Police

T.M. = Transcendental Meditation

UCLA = University of California, Los Angeles

VCAP = Violent Criminal Apprehension Programme

The End


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