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ARL Alumni
Founders Biography
Items for Sale
Lost Pets
Contact Us

What do we do with the money we raise?

      100% of the money we raise at our events is used to purchase assets for the shelter animals. We also like to treat the animals to something fun to help them pass the time as they wait for new homes. For example, this is one of the dogs at the shelter enjoying a rawhide chew, which we purchase for the dogs on a monthly basis. The rawhides help to keep their teeth clean, plus it gives them some entertainment, if even for just a short while.

   When the shelter went through some renovations a couple of years ago, the Women's Auxiliary pitched in to help and purchased new doors for the kennels. This is what the doors looked like before (notice the poor pup has his head stuck in the fencing because the door is falling apart) >>>

   These old doors were old and literally rusting off of their hinges, causing a danger to the dogs, the kennel workers, and the volunteers. Now the dogs are safer and kennel workers, visitors, and volunteers can move in and out of each cage without fear of a door falling on them and without stooping over. The new doors make the dogs easier to see and make the kennels easier to clean.

Some of the new doors on the kennels

   Many dogs in the shelter are also enjoying a new dog bed, thanks to the Women's Auxiliary. These bunk-style beds get the dogs off of the floor or the standard harder style of riser used at the shelter. Many are enjoying a good night's sleep on their new cots. Replacement covers for the beds are also purchased by the Women's Auxiliary, when needed (dogs do love to chew!).

Other items purchased by the Women's Auxiliary are banks of new, stainless steel cat cages. These cages were purchased not only for the shelter on Hamilton Avenue, but at adoption satellite locations and at the kennels at Rosedale. This allows the shelter to take in more cats, and also allows healthy cats to be moved out of the shelter at times when airborne upper respiratory infections are being spread among the cat population. The new cages are made of a better material than the old ones and are easier to clean and disinfect.

Our work continues . . .
Thanks to all of you who generously contribute to the Women's Auxiliary of the Animal Rescue League.

For Sale
Lost Pets

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Site by Daisy Church
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