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ARL Alumni
Founders Biography
Items for Sale

Lost Pets
Contact Us

Say hello to our ARL Alumni!

Brandy's Story

This letter was sent to us, along with a photo of "Maggie." Kathy expressed her feelings about Maggie and her special gift to her family, that we decided to share it word-for-word with you. We send our best wishes along to Maggie and to her new mom and dad.

Kathy writes . . .


Dear Friends -

     On January 25 of 2002, my husband and I adopted an Irish Setter/Retriever named "Brandy" from your facility. We've renamed her "Maggie" and she has been a pure joy! To say she has been a godsend is an understatement! A week after her adoption, we found out that my husband's leukemia returned. He's currently undergoing chemo and we're hoping for a longer remission. In the meantime, Maggie has become our angel. She's so well behaved and gentle that just being near her has bolstered our spirits. We constantly wonder how truly lucky we were to have found her. She's learning new tricks constantly and has such an enthusiasm for life. She's become our friend - our "therapy" dog. My husband forgets his pain when he laughs at her antics. We take her for walks each day (which benefits us, too).

     We can't thank your organization enough for bringing us all together. Maggie enriches our lives as we strive to further enrich hers.

Thanks again!



See past featured alumni!

Angel's Story, January 2002
A Pack, A Pride and a Family, December 2001
Thor, featured August, 2001
Bubbles, featured June 12, 2001
Rusty, featured April 3, 2001
Kodiak, featured January 15, 2001.

Max (Pati and Wayne), featured November 1, 2000
Max (of the Blair Family), featured September 19, 2000

Ray Ray, featured June 4, 2000
Buddy; featured March 5, 2000
Abby, Sunny, and Mojo; featured January, 2000

     Do you have a dog or cat that you adopted from the Animal Rescue League? If you have a pet that you adopted from the animal shelter, please contact us with any stories, photos, or updates of your pet and their new family, and we will try and post them up here! Show your friends, family, and prospective adopters what happens after shelter life.

For Sale
Lost Pets

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Site by Daisy Church
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