(It's another beautiful day at the Jellicle junkyard. Matt and Juliet are slaving away building sets--a mansion and a beach
setting, while the other cats are not helping them out as usual, like the slackers they are...)
MISTOFFOLEES: Sheesh, another Rodgers & Hammerstein parody? I'm getting a bit sick of these sappy old musicals.
MUNKUSTRAP: You're just saying that because you don't have a lead. My agent and Matt had a long talk, and let's just say
through his powers of persuasion, Matt gave me the lead.
ALONZO: Even though he was going to give it to you anyway.
GRIZABELLA: I'm just glad the guy talked to Matt in person, instead of interrupting me while I was singing this time.
(glares at Munkustrap)
MUNK: Awww, Griz, do you HAVE to keep holding that against me?! I've still got the scar from your buddy Juliet's little
MATT: OK, guys, everybody in your military, islander, or nurse costumes! (Macavity tries to slip by, hoping he won't be
noticed, but he is) That means you too, Macavity!
DEMETER: Let me get this straight--MACAVITY is playing a U.S. serviceman?
MATT: Well, since there are no real "bad guys" visible in this play, they're only referred to, and since we only have 37
DEM: Jeez, why don't you just let Saddam Hussein join the U.S. Army while you're at it?!
CASSANDRA: And by the way, you don't have 37 cats anymore...you now have 124! My family had so much fun during
"The Tom and I" and "Bomby and the Beast" that they've graciously offered to return for this parody as extras.
MATT: Oh boy. Here we go again.
FORTUNE: I wanna sing "Happy Talk"!
GRIZ: Don't even try it, half-pint.
POUNCIVAL: Where have I heard that before?
MATT: OK, let's cut the chit-chat and start the show!
(The show begins as we see a large mansion in the middle of a tropical island in the South Pacific...)
POUNCE: Wow. Talk about redundant narrations. You would think we already knew where the show took place, but
nooooo, you have to hammer it in our skulls like we're stupid or something...
MATT: POUNCIVAL! Let me finish!
(...and two young kittens, Jemgana and Quaxome are playing on a terrace. They are soon called inside by the steward of the house, played by Victor, and soon, the house's owner and a guest come in. These cats are French planter Emile de Munk and Ensign Demmie Forbush. They are admiring flowers as they walk on stage...)
DEM: What's this one?
MUNKU: This is frangipani.
DEM: But what a color!
MUNK: You will find many more flowers out here.
(Demmie looks around, while Emile requests to his steward that he serves the coffee. Demmie is overwhelmed by her surroundings...)
DEM: Well, I'm just speechless! And that lunch! Wild chicken...I didn't know it was ever wild. Gosh! I had no idea people lived like this right out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
(After some more dialogue...Demmie tels Emile about her upbringing...)
DEM: All right, I'm a hick. You know so many American words, do you know what a hick is?
POUNCE: What we all were forced to play in "Oklahomeow!".
MUNKU: (hisses at Pouncival, and continues) A hick is one who lives in a stick.
DEM: Sticks. Plural. The sticks.
MUNKU: Pardon. The sticks. I remember now.
GUS: At least someone remembers something, Skimbleshanks!
MUNKU: Er, Gus...I'm Munkustrap.
GUS: I know who you are, Tugger!
DEM: How long did it take you to build up a plantation like this?
MUNKU: I came to the Pacific when I was a young tom.
DEM: Emile, is it true that all the planters on these islands...are they all running away from something?
TUMBLEBRUTUS: I don't know about the planters, but us cats wish we could run away from the lunatics who call
themselves directors.
MATT: Hey, I resemble that remark!
MUNKU: Who is not running away from something? There are fugitives everywhere...Paris, New York, even in Small Rock...where you come from.
DEM: Oh, Little Rock!
MUNKU: Little Rock!...you know fugitives there?
(So anyway, Demmie shows Emile a picture of herself as well as a very flattering article about her from her hometown. She then sings a song about how optimistic she is despite what everyone else thinks about the ways of the world...)
DEM: (sings) When the sky is a bright canary yellow
I forget every cloud I've ever seen
So they call me a cockeyed optimist
Immature and incurably green!
I have heard cats rant and rave and bellow
That we're done and we might as well be dead
But I'm only a cockeyed optimist
And I can't get it into my head.
I hear the Jellicle race is falling on its face...
CORICOPAT: I don't know about us falling on our faces, but this parody is definitely going to blow up in Matt's face...at least I predict it will.
DEM: (hisses at Coricopat and continues)...And hasn't very far to go
But every whippoorwill is selling me a bill
And telling me it just ain't so!
(stops singing) OK, I've had it! (motions backstage, where the other cats are rolling around on the ground, laughing)
They're all making fun of me!
TUGGER: Oh, Demeter, quit being so paranoid! We're not making fun of you!
BOMBALURINA: Nope! *HA!* We're making fun of the song you're singing!
GEORGE: I haven't laughed this hard since Munkustrap sang "Oh, What A Beautiful Mornin'" in "Oklahomeow"!
POUNCE: I don't know whether to laugh at Demeter or the corny lyrics she's singing!
MATT: Don't worry about them, Demeter. Just finish the song.
DEM: Fine, fine... (gets back into character and sings)
I could say life is just a bowl of Jell-O
And appear more intelligent and smart
But I'm stuck like a dope
With a thing called hope
And I can't get it out of my heart...Not this heart!
(speaks again)
Want to know anything else about me?
PLATO: Yeah, now that I think about it...how the heck did you get roped into playing this corny part?
MUNKU: (hisses at Plato and speaks) Yes. You say you are a fugitive. When you joined the Navy, what were you running away from?
DEM: Gosh, I don't know. It was more like running to something. I wanted to see what the world was like--outside Little Rock, I mean. And I wanted to meet different kinds of cats and find out if I like them better. And I'm finding out.
MUNKU: Would you like some cognac?
DEM: I'd love some.
MATT: Oh boy. Here we go again with the drunk cats.
(While Emile pours the drink, he and Demmie begin to sing...but not to each other.)
JEMIMA: Okee, and the reason for that is?
MATT: Because when this show first opened, Mary Martin and Ezio Pinza's egos were so big that they each wanted their
own solo. Now I can't speak for Demeter, but if I know Munkustrap, he's happy with this one, since he's our newest diva.
MUNKU: Darn right!
DEM: (sings)
Wonder how I'd feel
Living on a hillside
Looking on an ocean
Beautiful and still
MUNKU: This is what I need
This is what I've longed for
Someone young and smiling
Climbing up my hill!
DEM: We are not alike
Probably I'd bore him
He's a cultured Frenchtom
I'm a little hick
MUNKU: Younger toms than I
Officers and doctors
Probably pursue her
She could have her pick
DEM: Wonder why I feel
Jittery and jumpy
I am like a schoolqueen
Waiting for a dance
MUNKU: (approaches Demmie with two filled glasses of brandy)
Can I ask her now?
I am like a schooltom!
What will be her answer?
Do I have a chance?
POUNCE: Oh, for the love of the Everlasting Cat! Just hook up already so we can all get out of here!
MATT: Just leave it to Pouncival to spoil a touching parody moment.
SKIMBLESHANKS: (sings) This is the moment...
MATT: Skimble, that's the wrong song, no? And besides, your character is coming in soon! Get ready! GOGOGOGOGO!
JULIE: Sheesh, Matt, lay off the caffeine.
(So anyway, there's more lovey-dovey dialogue, and Emile flashes back to when he first saw Demmie, at an Officer's Club dinner, and sings to her...)
JULIE: If anyone says anything during this song, I will personally wring your neck!
MUNKU: (sings) Some enchanted evening
You may see a stranger
You may see a stranger
Across a crowded room
And somehow you know
You know even then
That somewhere you'll see her again and again.
Some enchanted evening
Someone may be laughing
You may hear her laughing
Across a crowded room
And night after night
As strange as it seems
The sound of her laughter will sing in your dreams.
Who can explain it?
Who can tell you why?
Fools give you reasons
Wise men never try
Some enchanted evening
When you find your true love
When you feel her call you
Across a crowded room
Then fly to her side
And make her your own
Or all through your life you may dream all alone...
Once you have found her
Never let her go.
Once you have found her
(on that last long note, we hear glass shatter)
BUSTOPHER: Oh well, at least it's been a while since my monocle broke.
MUNKU: (gasps for air)
TUGGER: Smash-up job, Munkustrap.
MUNKU: (squeaks in annoyance)
(Anyways, Demmie's jeep arrives to take her back to the hospital, and Emile de Munk tells her why he left France, because he killed a bully of a tom. However, she is so much in love with him that she doesn't care.)
JENNYANYDOTS: OK, does anyone else see anything wrong with that picture? This guy kills another guy, and this queen
who barely knows him is OK with that. Now I see how some of the relationships on the daytime TV talk shows happen!
BOMB: Jeez, Jen, you sure know how to suck the romance out of a play!
JENNY: It's a gift.
(Anyhoo, so Munkustrap can recover from that long last note, we go to the next scene. We're in a small part of the island occupied by a group of Seabees, sailors, Marines, and other military cats. They begin to sing...)
TOMS: Bloody Grizzy is the queen I love,
Bloody Grizzy is the queen I love,
Bloody Grizzy is the queen I love
Now ain't that too darn bad!
Her fur is as tender as DiMaggio's glove
Her fur is as tender as DiMaggio's glove
Her fur is as tender as DiMaggio's glove
Now ain't that too darn bad!
JULIE: HEY! Watch what you say about Griz!
MATT: It's in the script, Juliet. You know I have the highest amount of respect for Grizabella.
JULIE: You better.
(Bloody Grizzy is then revealed, she has been hidden during the song by two of the toms. She wears leftover military clothing, and lets out a very shrill laugh.)
GRIZ: Hallo, G.I.! (holds up a grass skirt) Grass skirt? Very saxy! Four dollar? Sexy grass skirt. Four dollar! Send home Chicago. You like? You buy?...Where you go? Come back! Cheapskate! Crummy G.I.! Sadsack! Droopy-drawers!
(A Marine--Cassandra's teenage nephew Raoul--addresses her)
RAOUL: Tell 'em good, Grizzy!
GRIZ: What is good?
RAOUL: Tell him he's a stingy bas--
JELLYLORUM: Okee, no need to cuss. I've seen Griz in her dressing room, she already cusses like a sailor when she's
mad, no need for her to do it on stage. You toms just reprise the song again. It helps...
TOMS: Bloody Grizzy's chewing betel nuts,
She is always chewing betel nuts
Bloody Grizzy's chewing betel nuts
And she don't use Pepsodent...
(Bloody Grizzy grins)
TOMS: Now ain't that too darn bad!
VERONI: What? That it's time for the regularly-scheduled HTML break? If you feel THAT passionate about it, I GUESS we
could keep going but--
POUNCE: (wading through Cassandra's relatives) Pardon! One side! Scusi! Oh, forgive me. HEY! Watch where you're going
BUSTER: That kitten is downright rude Cousin Cassandra!
CASS: Rude and Pouncival are like the same word. Get used to it.
"South Pacific" is yet another musical by Rogers and Hammerstein appearing on this website for your ammusement's sake and not for our wallet's sake. Trust me when I say that we have made absolutely zilch in the moolah department in creating this or any fics.
This fic is © Mattethias