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  • Hello, and welcome to the Thank You's section of The Wizard's Chambers. This is the portion of the site where I will thank all of the wonderful people who helped me along on my site. Many of these people have great websites of their own, and they can be found in the affiliates section, so check them out.

  • On top of my list of thank you's would be my man Fenix, he taught me a lot about html, helped me out with this site and the ones before it, and he's responsible for the main image and my banner.

  • Second on my list, is MaGuS. He didn't help out that much with the site, he helped me a lot with GemStone 3 though. He worked with me on some of the guides, showed me some things in the game, and did other things that have influenced this site.

  • Third comes my man Duke. He's been with me from the start, he helped me back in the days of darkness when I didn't know how to do anything, he was my first teacher before Fenix took up the sword and taught me more advanced things. I owe him a lot of credit, make sure to check his site it's good.

  • After that, I need to thank my own mother. She is a computer programmer and she helped me with a lot of things, i learned a lot through this site, and she was a big help with it.

  • I wanna give a general thank you to you, the viewer, for keepin my site up, and for comin back again and again to see what's up. I'd also like to thank all my friends in GemStone 3 for helpin me learn my stuff, thanks everyone!