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Me n' MahSeLF

StåtS n' iNföS

NamE: Kåthléèn Mäê Törrês

*OnE MorE tHInG, jUst CaLL ME bY ThIS NamE: >> Kaye <<

ScHooL: De La Salle-Zobel

GraDe[Year]Section: Sophomore A

Mirc Nick(s): Do u GuyS luV chATTiN'? [B]y [T]he [W]ay, mY nIck'S [RyZe] . CatCH me in #7ers, #alabang, and #zobel.

Hey tHERe FriENd! HerE's A LittLe iNfO abOut moi! WeLL, I'm AlReaDy An InCoMinG SoPhIE ThiS YeAr. I havE beEn sTudYinG iN ZobeL SincE i WaS in Sr. PrEp! ThaT's abOut 8 yearz oF stAy in that scHooL. Hmm... NeVEr THougHT oF thAt beFOrE! AnYwaY, I'm in My sChooL's tRaCk and FiELd TeaM. Don't aSk mE wHy i'M paRT of it, i JusT am! My EvEnt is in ThE thRows! My FavE oNe Is The DisCuS! My FriENds alWayS teLL Me TO bE "VERY" caRefUL wiTh thE JaVeLIn THoUgh! (Go FiGurE!) I'M toTaLLy ProNE TO aCCidEnTs! (wELL, NOt ALL oF it! aND aBsOlUteLy Not EveRYdaY!) i Just Love my TeaM! thEy'Re AlWAys THeRe! ok..i'll shut up now! Some PeopLE sAy thaT i'M so MakuLIt...wELL, i juST LOvE tAlkINg aND maKinG kWeNTo? Did U KNoW thAt i Can sTaY on THe PhonE for At lEasT 6 HoURs StRaight..One Time I fEll AsLEeP whiLe hoLDing tHe FOne...enUF AbouT thAT...U can AlsO caTch mE in the SyMpHonY OrCHestRa RoOM iF eVEr We HAve MusiC. I plaY tHE viOLin, but Now I'M goiNG to have TO PLAY thE cEllo. I can't say ThaT i'm good At BoTh but I'm TryiNG! I'm tHinkINg of making musiC as My passion...uh! too deep! ahehehe...wELL, That's aLL, i GueSS. hehehe! WELL, Cyah GuyZ anD GaLZ!! HavE FUn!!!!!



I BeLievE in MaGIC...and i KnOw thAt thEre'S magIc WithiN Us...just believe...

BaCk To ToP



Animo La Salle


• When ba talaga yung outing?

• MAY ??, 2002 - OuTinG ng BaRkAda... hehe! TEAM OUTING "Subic".. JEff'S Haus...


• Congratulations to the Graduates!!!

EmaiL Moi!!!

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  Last Update: February 9, 2002