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Here are a list of links that relate to different parts of Lynda's esoteric web site. There are some esoteric and psychic related sites, specialist writing and author sites and computing, web promotion, design and links for my new sugarcraft pages. Use the buttons to go to various parts of the site such as articles, fiction, Lynda's London journal for research of London nightlife, graphic design plus more.
I spend hours every day to bring you information for Londoner's and writers searching for research into London life. I only earn money when someone employs me to build a website, to write an article or book a psychic reading. If I can continue to work from home then I can continue to bring you articles and my journal. Please consider visiting the links here to keep it free. If you want to buy anything I receive commission on what you spend. Thank you.
Did I forget to tell you that I am a life-long Monkees fan? I couldn't resist having a Davy Jones banner on my webpage. Click Davy Jones to find out why the Monkees are the best group in the world to this aging hippy chick!
Esoterica The Journal of Esoteric Studies
The Witch-Pagan Resources Welcome to Our Community
Developing your spiritual awareness? Click here and choose an expert to talk to.
Writing and research
Net Writer - hard facts and bold opinions Hundreds of writing resources covering everything you can think of.
Useless Knowledge - Including word origins, word of the day plus more.
Computers - Copernic 2000 - Download Now Graphic and web design
Drivers for everything This is the place to find drivers if you have bought a second-hand camera, printer, scanner or anything without the software. An excellent resource.
HTML code help - webmaster tools check html tags and links - NetMechanic.
Click here for free evaluations of Microsoft Operating Systems.
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Sugarcraft and cake decorating supplies
Squires - everything you need for sugarcraft.
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© Lynda Archard