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London at night
by Lynda Archard
©: June 2002

A letter of support

Dear Lynda.

just a note from someone in support of your site, which I only recently discovered, and in particular the stories of your night time escapades.

I live and work in London, and find that for me that night time driving is the most therapeutic tonic to the stresses and strains of the day. Your observations to most would seem a trifle exaggerated, and I am sure some are played with a tad, in order to make them of more interest to readers like myself.

However I have seen most of what you describe, from the desolation to the exuberance, and the real reason for putting pen to paper, so to speak, is to whole heartedly support your stance on "prozzy watch".

For my sins, I am deeply involved in a charity organisation, which provides in its own way, emotional support to others, and a fair proportion of the people, we speak to, in the small hours are men and women, girls and boys who are sex workers. Almost all are in it for the finances, and of those, the primary reasons are to support a habit, to reduce debts, or in the case of a few, to put food in their stomach.

Of those I have spoken to, one of the main reasons that they have got in touch with us, is the loneliness and the utter isolation from society.

The recognition that they exist, that they are human, that they have feelings, is the only reason they continue to maintain some kind of contact with us, I remember one girl telling me that I was the only person in weeks with whom she had spoken, who hadn't issued an instruction or mentioned money.

You commented in one of your write ups, that if you went missing in London, someone would notice, even if they do not know your name, I think Deptford Girl would probably agree, if she ever sees your site, is she likely to be a supporter of KH, and be infuriated that you dared to notice her, or is she more likely to be surprised that you noticed her and took time to make a note.

We may never know, but it does not stop us from giving it a thought.

Best Wishes. B

My comments

Thank you for taking the time to contact me it is much appreciated. If anything I have understated what we actually see to prevent recognition and have not exaggerated anything to improve reading. I do enjoy watching Londoners and tourists and I can't ignore the sadder side of London's nightlife. I wish there were more people like you for people to talk to.

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