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Since time immemorial, people have experimented with plants and herbs to establish their qualities. Many folk remedies have evloved from such experimentation. Most of the ancient civilizations used essential oils/aromatherapy as part of everyday life. However, the Egyptians were the first to distill plants in order to extract their essential oils. Using them medicinally, in religious ceremonies, for beautifying skin and face and also for embalming . Oils were highly prized and offered during rituals. Therapeutic uses of the oils and their properties were recorded on papyrus scrolls by the High Priests. In fact their analysis was so accurate, it is used today as the basis of modern aromatherapy.

The Romans, used essential oils for leisulrly purposes and also for curing pains. Perfumed baths and massages were part of everyday life. Emperor Nero's love of orgies, feasts and fragrances is legendary. His favourite oil being rose as it cured headches, indigestion and in uplifting the spirits. The Moghal rulers of India valued rose water so highly, that they would lavishly wash the Taj Mahal in it!

In Greece, India, China and Arabia the use of aromatics thrived. In the twelfth century perfumery and herbalism spread to Europe. In fact during the Great Plague of 1665, Londoners burnt bundles of lavender, cedar and cypress in the streets and carried such plants as their only defence against infectious disease. Undoubtedly it saved many lives as these plants hold powerful antiseptic properties.

Modern Aromatherapy is in fact based on more than 6000 years' knowledge, however it is claimed that a French chemist named Gattefosse first used the term "Aromatherapie" around 65 years ago. Whilst working in his laboratory, Gattefosse burnt his hand which he plunged into some lavender essential oil, the burn healed quickly without blistering. Henceforth he began his studies of the therapeutic properties of plant oils. And thus modern aromatherapy was born. Biochemists have isolated dozens of ingredients in essential oils that account for the amazing properties they have. Since science has been able to substantiate ancient wisdom, aromatherapy has become widely accepted and more popular than ever before.


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