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Aromatherapy is a great way of aiding relaxation and promoting well-being. However, aromatherapy should be done safely and properly. Essential oils are potent and highly concentrated for instance the Rose essence requires two tons of fresh petals in full bloom to produce merely one kg (two pounds) of essential oil. The use of essential oils in excess of stated dose can lead to nausea and some oils are toxic. Hence every care should be taken to use the oils safely to attain maximum benefit. Essential oils must always be diluted either in water for bath or a plain carrier oil for massage. Essential oils are always measured in drops.

Using essential oils for Massage

For massage application essential oils should first be mixed with a carrier (or base) oil. It is important to use good quality vegeable oil as carrier for your essential oils, a list of quality oils is available - see link below.

Once essential oils have been diluted with a carrier oil, they will keep for upto six months if you add a vitamin e capsule or a teaspoon of wheatgerm oil. This acts as an anti-oxidant and will help preserve the combined oils. It is better to combine oils for aromatherapy in small quantities, so that they are as fresh as possible.

Safe Dilutions

When you begin mixing your own oil combinations always refer to the essential oils table for guidelines, as certain oils may clash others will help one another.

General Rules for safe dilutions:

  • 15-20 drops essential oil in 60ml (2fl oz/12tsp) carrier oil
  • 7-10 drops essetial oil in 30ml (1fl oz/6 tsp) carrier oil
  • 3-5 drops essential oil in 15ml (1/2 fl oz/3tsp) carrier oil

Essential Oils for Bath

Cleopatra bathed in milk, the ancient Romans in hot pools and Mary Queuun of Scots soaked in hot wine! Bathtime can be a peaceful, relaxing experience and more pleasurable when combined with essential oils.

As a guideline for Bathing use:

  • 8-10 drops maximum essential oils in any one bath

Don't be tempted to add extra oil as this may cause skin irritation. Smaller amounts of essential oils often have better effect that larger amounts.


  • Essential oils are potent: only measure out in drops
  • Never apply undiluted essential oils to skin, except lavender for minor cuts/burns, and tea tree for spots, and even these in moderation
  • Never take essential oils internally - unless prescribed by a professional aromatherapist
  • For therapeutic use to treat common ailments only apply essential oils as instructed and always seek medical advice if sumptoms persisit
  • Don't shower or bath for two hours after an aromatherapy massage. It may take that long for some oils to penetrate skin
  • Don't expose skin to sunshine for six hours if you have used a citrus oil. After exposure to the sun they become photo-toxic and can cause skin irritation


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