Men of Rohan vs. Feti
Men of Rohan vs. Feti
The films for this match can be downloaded here
Review written by Brandtake
Feti, a clan which got past the first two rounds without ever having to actually play an opponent,
faced off against Men of Rohan, the top-seeded powerhouse which had already proved itself against
Wolf Pack. Only three Feti members showed up, which undoubtedly was a disadvantage against MoR's
six. In every game, Feti employed a romp-em, stomp-em strategy of staying together and pushing
hard in one place, while Men of Rohan masterfully divided and conquered. Though they played
five games (apparently neither of them knew what best-of-5 means), only the first 3 counted and
are reviewed here.
GAME 1: 16 minutes, Assassin Trow, MoR 10, Feti 0
Both sides traded for 5 trow. Feti took about 20 soulless, 4 locks, max krids. MoR opted for
max krids, 5 souls, 3 locks, 9 mauls, and a mortar dwarf. MoR charged the middle with the Trow,
Myrkridia, and Warlocks, while dispatching a few Myrkridia as scouts in north and south and
sending the Villagers, Mauls, Soulless, and Dwarf to the south. Feti sent everything to the
middle, putting the soulless on the high ground and the Villagers within their range so the
Soulless could give cover fire. Feti's only other forces were a couple scouting Myrkridia.
Though Feti got in several good shots with fireballs, MoR charged with the Trow and attracted
Feti's Trow and Myrkridia to rush the bridge. Feti's force was thus subjected to several
fireballs thanks to Wark's rush, and MoR's army then charged and killed all of Feti's Myrkidia
and a Trow before Wark retreated. By now, Feti's scouts had located MoR's defense but had
gotten killed by missile units. MoR's scouts, on the other hand, sneaked in and took out Feti's
warlocks and a couple Villagers. MoR's army kept Feti's Trow from getting too close and used
Warlocks to kill off the Soulless on the hill. After a brief melee battle, MoR swept up Feti's
remaining Villagers. A masterful victory against a superior force on the part of MoR.
GAME 2: 16 minutes, Territories Winter, MoR 6, Feti 0
MoR went with 12 bowmen, 6 ghols with puss, 4 dwarves, 15 warriors, and 18 Stygian Knights.
Feti traded for 4 ghols with puss (but got 2 wights to create puss uneccessarily), 20 Knights,
2 dwarves, 24 warriors, and 12 bowmen. MoR started out dividing into 3 attack groups, one
to each flag, each with Knights, Warriors, and Bowmen. The center group held the dwarves.
Feti charged the center with everything, sending out scouts to capture the flags on their side
and leaving a garrison of 2 dwarves and 4 knights to guard one of their flags. MoR quickly
rushed one of its attack groups to the center when it saw Feti's army, but flanked with the other
group to the southern side of the map. Meanwhile, Feti's Ghols, fully armed with puss, were
apparently unwatched and simply shot or blown up by MoR's bowmen and dwarves. When Feti charged
with everything, MoR puss and dwarves weakened the force and eventually killed the entire
Feti force. Meanwhile, the attack group in the south used bowmen to shoot the dwarves guarding
and then used melee units to kill the 4 Knights to end the game.
GAME 3: 16 minutes, Assassin Badlands, MoR 1, Feti 0
Feti traded for 15 beserks, 12 krids, 6 Heron Guards, and 1 spider to work with the 1 Myrkidian
Giant Assassin target. MoR went for 4 spiders, 1 giant, 12 krids, 8 herons, and 12 beserks.
Both sides split up into several smaller groups in the same general area, but early on MoR
led off Feti krids far in the south with just a few of their own. As manuevering was taking
place in the east, MoR surprised Feti's giant with a couple zerks. The Giant was weakened but
easily able to kill the zerks. After a few grenade throwings and manuevering, MoR sauntered its
Giant up with a Heron Guard. Feti allowed its Giant to get engaged in a melee battle with them,
perhaps Wark was counting on the infamous Myrkridian Giant fatigue syndrome that takes place
two-thirds of the way into a melee battle. In the end, it didn't work and Feti's giant died,
ending the official series. Feti was getting upset by this time, I didn't watch the other 2
films that didn't count but I know that MoR won both games.