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Barely 12 minutes away from the Mactan International Airport, the Mactan Oasis Garden is ideal for those who do business at the nearby Mactan Export Processing Zone, or to those who simply want to be in the vicinity of some of the best upscale beach resorts and dive sites in the country.  Whether for business or leisure, you're sure to be in the center of it all at the Mactan Oasis Gardens, where you have the option to own a purely residential or condole unit.

The concept of the Mactan Oasis Gardens is to provide the comforts of modern living combined with the atmosphere of an exclusive residential village.  Here, residents get to enjoy the sophisticated lifestyle of condominium dwelling and the same time savor the amenities normally found only in upscale subdivisions like a well appointed clubhouse, basketball / tennis courts, swimming pool, an elegant entrance and perimeter fence, and a specious ground level parking.  Plus, investors automatically become members of the EGI Club and, upon payment of a reasonable membership fee, will have access to the facilities of the superb EGI City by the Sea, the country's first resort condotel that's a mere two minute drive away.

The buildings are mostly four level structure.  The only six level building located near the complex entrance is served by an elevator and are selling as finished units.  The interiors are beautifully and intelligently designed to offer you all the comfort and convenience of home.

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