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Poised on a hilltop and quietly tucked away in the midst of a distinguished neighborhood, Phoenix Heights offers gracious living to a privileged few.  The architectural features of the 19-storey residential condominium are fully designed to blend harmoniously with the charms of the community's natural environment --- sprawling grounds, sturdy trees, and lush gardens.  The overall layout is designed to provide a spectacular panoramic view of the entire Marikina Valley and Laguna de Bay.

The specially designed interiors, grand lobby, spectacular view, as well as the scenic setting promise gracious, upscale living.  Feel the art and pleasure of gracious living . . . at Phoenix Heights.


  • A variety of six residential units of one to three bedrooms
  • A luxurious and grand lobby
  • A well landscaped pool and recreation area
  • 24-hour security with close-circuit TV system
  • House entry phones
  • Automatic fire protection alarm and sprinkler system
  • Garbage disposal chute on every floor
  • Sauna and gym facilities
  • Cafe providing room service
  • Staff availability for car cleaning and other domestic services
  • 4-basement parking
Take advantage of luxurious unit features . . .