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Your Toluca Mexico Connection - Offices in Michigan and Toluca

*Please Note that the Michigan Area Code has changed to 989 from 517
*Michigan- 989-429-5228
011 52 (72) 44 1694

QSSI Web Master

Quality Support Services International

We are a company devoted to providing top quality service for you and your customer(s).
Specializing in the Toluca / Mexico City Industrial sector.
Independant Contract Quality Assurance in the Michigan-Indiana-Ohio Area

Do you have the time or personnel to be there the same day? We do!

We offer you the following services:

1) Plant Representation- We will represent your company at your customers location in a professional and reliable manner. We will be "your face" at your customers location showing your support without the time and expense you would have to devote to accomplish the same.

2) Customer Liaison- We can coordinate your work with your customer and convey, describe, demonstrate, explain samples and engineering changes, assist with PTR's, etc.

3) Translation- Although most spanish speaking people your dealing with speak English that is not always the case, sometimes things are lost in the translation or misunderstood. Our person in Toluca speaks excellent English and can be a great help when it comes to communication.

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4) Launch Support- (Automotive Assembly Plants)
We will be on site for all build events from prototype to production. As we all know, what works on paper does not always work in real life. We will be there to see the processes and handling of your product to assure that any problems are immediately addressed and give you quick feedback on results.

5) APQP- With early involvement in your program we can assist with APQP concerns and solutions before you have thousands of parts in the system. We can assist with APQP functions at your sub suppliers location also. Our US partner is a QA Engineer, avaliable for short or long term contract quality assurance assistance in any phase of your program. If you could use some extra QA manpower for 30 days - 1 year, call us to discuss your facilities quality assurance/control needs.

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6) SQA- If you have local suppliers doing additional value added work with your product after it arrives in Mexico we can assist you with monitoring, verification of processes, Quality, SPC data collection and reporting, lot inspection / sampling, and many other functions you may have to send an SQA person to do. We will also function as a Contract SQA in the U.S. and will cover GP-9 run at rates, PSO's, etc. at your suppliers if you need the extra manpower.

7) PPM Reduction- While we all strive for perfection, we also know that sometimes problems occur. We can assist with negotiations, limit samples, sorting, and through immediate corrective action and containment we can usually keep your PPM's lower because we're there.

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8) Problem Verification- How many times have you gotten a mystic communication from the Auto Plant that doesn't quite explain what the problem really is? We can verify and report first hand what the problem (complaint) really is, we can explain it in the terminology you will understand thus reducing reaction time, reducing "wild goose chases" and keeping communication on track.

9) Problem Solving- We can assist with problem solving that requires knowledge of the assembly processes and people involved. Our company will visit your plant and review your process so that we can be familiar with your product and its manufacture. This helps us support you better by being able to communicate with you using technical information we would only know because we know how your process works.

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10) Sorting & rework- We can take care of sorting done at your customers location, and some light rework (trimming plastics, deburring, etc.) we have a high quality labor pool to draw from, who we can depend on for top quality work. This service is billed strictly on a man hour basis.

11) Containment- We will handle any in plant containment that needs to be done and coordinate it with the appropriate materials people. Identification of suspect material and quarantine is most important to assure that you don't get into a huge retro-fit or campaign situation. We will also cover CS2 source inspections if you have a problem supplier.

12) Product Verification- We can be on site to verify for you and your customer that your product meets specification. Or identify material that may have been in transit when a problem was discovered. This will keep you from having repetitive problems reported that were beyond your control.

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13) Deliveries- Have you lost an important package or samples because they got to the customers plant and disappeared? We will pickup and hand deliver packages to the person you intended them for. No more tracing and re-shipping of time sensitive materials, we will handle it for you.
Satisfaction- The result of ALL of the above!

QSSI will not share information that would be considered proprietary in nature.
We want to understand your processes so we can better support your company. 
QSSI will comply with required confidentiality agreements that do not hinder our ability to support our customers.

Last Updated: October 4th, 2001