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Gery Carson

GERY CARSON, president of Carson Services, Inc. and the founder of the SFI Marketing Group, started his own home business in 1985 so he could take control of his future. By the early 90's, it was producing nearly one million dollars annually.

His extraordinary success as a home business entrepreneur has been told in Money Makers Monthly, Upline, Opportunity World Magazine, and in several books and videos.

Gery was selected to the 1992 Outstanding Young Men of America list and 1997’s Who’s Who in the Media and Communications.

Inspired by the works of Napoleon Hill in his classic book on success, Think and Grow Rich, Gery launched Six-Figure Income in 1998, a magazine devoted exclusively to profiling the most successful home businesses in the world and the men and women behind them.
  • Over 25,000 people order a trial subscription to SFI Magazine each month.
  • SFI currently has paid subscribers in 38 countries worldwide.
  • Carson Services, Inc. (SFI's parent company) is a member of the Better Business Bureau.

Gery also authored the book, The Home Business Revolution's Greatest Entrepreneurs and the network marketing primer, The World's Greatest Home Based Business which has sold over 250,000 copies, as well as numerous special reports and articles. He was also the publisher of PROFIT$ Magazine for ten years prior to launching SFI.

Gery has been actively involved in the network marketing industry for over a decade. He has been a #1 distributor and has been a consultant for a number of other network marketing companies.

The SFI Website has further extended Gery's home business evangelism and in 1999 and 2000 consistently ranked in the TOP 1000* most visited Websites in the world, now with over 1.5 million unique visitors monthly according to PCDataOnline.

The SFI e-newsletter currently has over 800,000 subscribers.

* Ranked 499th in July 2000

In November 1998, SFI launched an affiliate program to help increase Internet sales of magazine subscriptions, books, and other SFI products aimed at the home-based business market.

SFI is currently growing at a rate of
over 200,000 new affiliates per month
(over 6000 per day).


As these charts show, the growth of the SFI Affiliate program has been explosive.


Month Total Affiliates
2/99 946
5/99 9163
8/99 33,530
11/99 68,318
2/00 130,201
5/00 210,000
8/00 336,556
11/00 601,000
2/01 1,000,000
2/02 5,000,000

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