Never had tEqUiLa before?
One of our nice customers decides to help our new born 21 year old out with a shot of Tequila.
After tEqUiLa....
The things that tequila will do to you... Does she know where she is at???
WOW, Give her another BEER!
Another new born 21 year old, ready to P-A-R-T-Y!
Ok, Just a SHOT!
I guess she wasn't looking for a beer, just an upside down margarita!
Dance the Night Away!
Warning....The consumption of alcohol may cause you to THINK you can dance.
A little too much I think...
This 21 year old can't quite cut it for the night. I think he's out for the count.
'Til I Collapse...
I don't know how much longer he'll be standing.
Out with Mom & Dad
He has to take it easy... Don't want the 'rents to think badly...
Now we can have FUN!
Mom & Dad must have gone home...
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