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The Cabin
Left Room
Right Room
Swamp Music
The Willow Tree
The Camera
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You walk into the left room using the key the little girl had given you. The walls are painted grey and green strands hang from the ceiling. A song is playing from the radio in the corner. There are shelving units all over the walls. You start to look at the items:

A bottle of root beer
A cheeseburger purely preserved and warm
A bucket of green paint
A green teddy bear
Cob webs
An outfit containing a black dress with fishnet stalkings and combat boots (same thing as the little girl was wearing)
A cricket in a cage
A row of Serial Experiment Lain DVDs
A minature cow in a jar of preserving liquid
A bottle of water

You pick up the bottle of water...and suddenly the window towards the back flies open. *woosh....* You are blown out of the room.
"Only a few minutes in each room" says an echoing voice.