rules & regulations
Signing The Contract
[1] Before submitting your Application, please take the time and review it before pressing the submit button. It can be a bit agitating having to redo information on your Roster Biography because you did not take the necessary time to look over what you put down in your Application
[2] Please take a good look at the Roster before signing up with the ERWF, we say this because there can only be one image use per Roster member. (example: there cannot be more than one person using the same celebrity as an image base)
[1] There is a limit to 3 Roleplays per match on a weekly card. There is a limit to 4 Roleplays per match on a Pay Per View unless either Chris Michaels or Prezident Rodriguez says otherwise. We do this to prevent anyone submitting an overdosed amount of roleplays.
[2] There is a 25 line minimum requirement for ALL roleplays, no questions asked. If you are a newbie to Roleplays and do not feel you are capable of completing this small task, then speak to one of the Presidents and depending on what excuse you come up with will depend on what our reaction is.
[3] Deadlines are simple...Weekly Cards should be posted on _______, which means the Deadline for submitting roleplays are the night before at exactly 11:59PM. Anything submitted afterwards is considered illegal and will be removed from the boards. Pay Per View cards will be posted on _________ and the Deadline for Pay Per Views are Friday Night at 11:59PM, same rules apply.
[4] Please do not use another Wrestler in your Roleplays UNLESS they provide you with their permission. If you are given their permission, please include a tiny OOC Phrase saying you've asked. We will verify...
Roleplay Judgement
[1] We cannot and will not stress about this enough because Judgement seems to be everyone's biggest downfall in efeds. We judge on the following aspects...
- Quality - Quality is the biggest and most important factor when we judge for the winners. Quality means making sure your roleplays have correct spelling, correct puntuation, actually talk about your match, makes sure the roleplay makes sense, give your roleplays some taste, writing a book does not mean you are providing quality if anything, it is more or less annoying.
- Quantity [1] Please add some coloration to your Roleplays. If you are a newbie to Roleplaying, we may make an exception for you and put you through a basic HTML course for your first couple of weeks.
[2] Please do not go overboard using a Roleplay Template. Using the board can be just as effective for judging as long as you use the coloring tools and keep your quality factor in effect.
Match Idea's
[1] We love to provide storylines, they are what keep things very interesting around here, such as feuds! We all know that nobody can hold an undefeated streak(if you can good for you), but holding a strong feud between two or more people can also boost ratings for the events.
[2] If there is a feud between two or more people, there is a storyline somewhere, if you are the better roleplayer between you and your opponent each match you have and we believe you should win, you will, but the storyline has to come into effect some sort of a way or another. We DO NOT BELIEVE IN SCREWING PEOPLE OUT OF THEIR ROLEPLAYS.
[3] Favoritism is one of the biggest downfalls to an Efed. Here in the ERWF, we had a lot of this going on back in the day, but it will not be tolerated ever again. No sucking up, no kissing asses, if you lose you lose, if you win you win.
[4] Stipulations to matches are another spike in ratings. If you are new, please do not expect to be thrown into a Hell In A Cell match or anything, we will need to get a good idea of your flow as a Roleplayer. Also, we provide a complete match description list located under our Extras column. Matches are all broken down from early carders to Main Eventers.
ERWF's Expectations
[1] Our number one goal is to be as fair and real as possible. We won't accept any bullshit of any form from anybody.
[2] If you are upset about the outcome of your match, we won't be upset if you inquire about it, but please, save the pitty party for someone who actually gives a shit. Efeds were created by wrestling fans to occupy their time until wrestling appears on the television. This is not real.
[3] We expect all Roleplays to be submitted BEFORE the deadline, if they are even 1 minute late, the will be deleted. We have 1 card per week, which means you have 6 days to roleplay for your matches, so why would Roleplays be submitted after the deadline?
Superstar Expectations
[1] We definitely value your talent, but keep in mind we refuse to chase you down and remind you that you have a match. If you no show for your debut, you are removed automatically. If you no show later, you are given one last opportuinty, however, if you no show two weeks in a row, you will be removed from the Roster.
[2] Success and Failure are both factors that you control.
[3] Being a Champion in the ERWF is a HUGE Responsibility, expect to defend your Championship A LOT around here.
[4] You will be represnting what the ERWF is looking for, demonstrate for example and conduct yourself as if you are a champion. You never know when another Efed will come along and challenge us company to company.
[5] Respect your opponents...Do not go into the OOC Board saying your opponents Roleplays suck ass, if that is the best they can do then what more can we ask of them? If you feel you would like to lend a hand with quality, then you as a Roleplayer should feel good by helping a more of a rookie Roleplayer advance.
[6] If you do not like someone in a personal matter (beyond the efed), please keep the derogitory comments between the two of you out of the ERWF. We could care a less who said what about who, and who slept with who's girlfriend. Take it the arena and shut your mouth.
[7] We are all different people with different opinions and different beliefs, please respect that and not judge it.
[8] The last and most Important of our rules, this is not a real life company, we re-opened the ERWF because we actually did at one point have tons of people who had fun connecting and being friends with one another. two words....HAVE FUN!!!!!!!