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The Money Bag


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One day, two friends, Peter and Tony went out for a walk.
They went to a park together.
There in the park the two boys saw a bag.
The two boys stopped.
"Do you see what I see?" asked Tony.
"Yes," said Peter.
Peter picked up the bag and they looked in it.
The bag was full of money.
"This is my lucky day. Now I have a lot of money," said Peter.
"Don't be so greedy. There is a lot of money. We can both have some." said Tony.
"No!, I picked it up. So, this is my money now." said Peter.
"That is not fair!" shouted Tony.
Then a woman in the park saw Peter holding the bag.
"That's my bag! You took my bag! I am going to call a policeman." the woman shouted.
Peter began to run.
A policeman heard the woman shouting and he saw Peter running.
The policeman stopped Peter.
The policeman saw the bag in Peter's hand.
"Whose bag is that?" the policeman asked Peter.
"It is my bag," Peter answered, "I found it."
"No, it isn't your bag. That is my bag. You took it from me." said the woman.
"No!" said Peter, "I didn't take it from you. I found it."
Then Peter pointed to Tony.
"You can ask that boy. He is my friend. He can tell you." said Peter.
The policeman pointed to Peter and asked Tony, "Is he your friend?"
"No, he isn't my friend." Tony answered.
Then Tony turned around and ran out of the park.
The policeman looked at Peter and said, "You lied to me. Now I cannot believe anything you say."

  1. What did Peter and Tony do one day?

  2. Where did they go?

  3. What did they find?

  4. What was in the bag?

  5. Who wanted all the money for himself?

  6. Who saw Peter and Tony holding the bag?

  7. Was the bag the woman's bag?

  8. Who did the woman call?

  9. Who ran with the bag?

  10. Did the policeman stop Peter?

  11. What did the policeman see in Peter's hand?

  12. What did the policeman ask Peter?

  13. How did Peter answer?

  14. Did the policeman believe Peter?

How about you?
What would you do if you found a bag with money in it?
Would you look for the person who lost the bag?
Would you keep the money?

In this story Peter and Tony were not good boys.
They were not fair to the woman who lost the bag.
Good boys would not keep the money.
Good boys would try to find the person who lost the bag.

In this story Peter was very greedy.
Peter wanted all the money for himself.
He didn't want to give his friend Tony any of the money they found.
Peter was not really a good friend to Tony.
After Tony knew Peter was very greedy he didn't like Peter.
If you want to have friends don't be too greedy.

How would you feel if you lost a lot of money?
Would you feel sad?
Do you want other people to be fair to you?
How can you be fair to others?

This page created by D. Patrick Goddard -- Copyright 2003
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