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Easy English
Speaks for Itself


This page requires the "Speaks for Itself" plugin

Put the cursor over to mouth icon to hear the speech synthesizer read the sentence.
Double click on any word to get a Chinese translation of the word.

Welcome to Easy English "Speaks For Itself"

Who is this web site designed for?

This web site is designed for Chinese students who are learning English as a second language.

Is the quality of the synthesized speech good enough?

The answer is an unequivocal and emphatic, YES! It is good enough.

When you consider connection speed, and bandwidth limitations,
there is no other more practical way for learners to hear spoken English on the internet.
Although it is true that synthesized speech can never express the feeling or
subtle articulation of genuine speech there is, as of now, no better way to deliver an auditory experience of spoken English to such a vast audience.

Why use synthesized speech when audio files are so commonly used on the Web?

Streaming audio offers another alternative but it is much more time consuming and expensive to produce. Audio files require a lot of memory and bandwidth. Where as, text files are tiny in comparison.

We do plan to include some streaming audio files in the future.

Word Find Puzzles

Student Life Word Find
Clothing Word Find 1
Clothing Word Find 2
Clothing Word Find 3
Personality Word Find
School Supplies Word Find
Kitchen Things Word Find














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