Goldberg also excoriates the two candidates, whom he met frequently on the campaign trail, for alienating young people by demonizing the video games, rap music and movies they love. His strongest language is reserved for current presidential candidate Lieberman. "Not only is he one of the most conservative Democrats with a national profile," Goldberg writes, "but his self-righteousness about religion and venom toward popular culture would make him a serious threat to a free and intellectually diverse American society if he were to gain more power." (Through a spokesman, Lieberman said that he hasn't read Goldberg's book but doesn't "feel it necessary to respond to the political analysis of a record producer. Suffice it to say he should not give up his day job.") LINK
Tie this in with EGM's 09/2003 Letter of the Month:
The next time an election-seeking politician steps up with some uneducated banter about how videogames are worthless wastes of time that rot our brains, we should respond, in a loud voice, that they are the fools.
and "Sugar Joe's" "Big Speech"
I imagine America speaking out against moral decline, whether it's the violence against women in video games played by children, crimes of hate against people who are gay, or the failure of fathers to support their kids. LINK
all point to the importance of pro-gamer candidate, and that pro-games candidate has always been lovable, blue-eyed Ben Grimm. But, I suppose he wouldn't mind if I were that candidate, which I am and have been. Yeah, more serious stuff to come. I'm a little dazed from the flight.
One last thing before I retire from "almost blogging" for the day. Check out this pic: What a homewrecker! I kid. . . Although I'm thinking about re-theming the site a little as per the test pic above. . . Probably not. But I enjoy the test pic as a change-up.
As you can tell, I don't and perhaps won't feel up to giving a full post here until I can figure out something better than the end-around. So, I'll hold off - at least temporarily - from trying anything much longer than this.
It is thus hilarious that Republicans have been so self-righteous against Democrats who have had the nerve to behave as an opposition and challenge President Bush's credibility. Republicans are telling Democrats: "Don't you dare do what we did." It's equally amusing, but also depressing, that hypocrisy isn't being called by its real name.
LINK from EJ Dionne, Jr. Also, the George Will stuff is creeping me out. What is Will's deal?
The blog is ultra-broken. Right now when I try to publish something it sends the message "Transfer Error" with a hyperlinked to nowhere "details." The only way I can publish things is with my un-genious end-around: FTP to Angelfire, download, and upload to the Prohosting server. Anyone with simple solutions for a simple mind (regarding technical issues at least) is invited to help me.
citizen, and welcome to the official website of "Levy for President 2020." I'm hoping you'll find that I'm true to my
word - that my candidacy and my campaign is radically different from every political campaign in the last half-century.
Like most Americans, I believe honesty is an asset. I also believe that ideas are the strongest facet of any
candidate. Although I am not a believer in the somewhat inconsistent New Democrat ideals, I believe the American
people will best be served by the idea primary. (And, hey, with the increasingly front-loaded primaries, I have until
June 2015 until the citizens of New Hampshire vote in the 2020 primary.) This means that I will not tell you about
growing up the son of a blue-collar laborer, because I did not. Rather, I will tell you that I support the cause of
the union, and the working man, and one of my first priorities as President will be universal, single-payer health
care. I can't tell you that I grew up in a diverse environment, but that I support affirmative action and removing the
Confederate flag from state governments across the nation. And so on.
Though this webpage officially
declares my candidacy, I feel that it is important to note that "Levy for President 2020" has not officially registered
with the FEC as either an exploratory or campaign committee. The FEC requirements essentially consist of having a
$1,000 balance. My first and foremost interest is to fight for every American, not to hoard money. As the website
gears up, I will be looking to sell campaign memorabilia and advocacy items and ask for donations for two reasons. Of
course, the first is that I would like to file with the FEC to prevent any misunderstanding. The second is that money
will ultimately be necessary for primaries and to buy server space to host things like forums and pictures of me on the
campaign trail.
On this website, in addition to championing your cause, I will respond to current events as I
see them. No punches will be pulled. My character, my views, and my sense of humor will be evinced by the watchdog
campaign that I will run over the next decade-and-a-half. Sorry for the color scheme, but orange and green are the
colors of the campaign for metaphorical reasons.
Thank you for visiting, the official website
of your next-next-next-next (give-or-take a couple) President of the United States.