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The Restaurant With No Food
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
Hello everyone! Neopets is down for the second time this week, and its only Tuesday... I guess I'll update. Maybe I'll put some new pictures up!
Thursday, April 08, 2004
hey everyone! i've been doing a whole lot of stuff lately! right now, i'm waiting for my parents to bring char home! next week i will be going to chapel hill to stay with her for a few days! right at this second, i'm getting some things ready for a surprise for Ryan! i think he will like it... he's at track practice right now, but he'll probably get home soon. now i'm playing animal crossing (my parents bought me a gamecube for having good grades, that'll teach dad to make deals like that with me...:) and a little neopets here and there. neopets is having a war right now, and i want a piece of it! bwahahahaha!!! go inufluffy, go! i hear a lot of stuff about Ryan making a website or something... no one will really tell me what it is..... hmmm.... but i guess its ok that i don't know yet, as long as i get to find out later...

on and off and back on again!
Friday, February 27, 2004
hi everyone! i haven't been on the computer at all lately... i've kinda missed it, but i've been having fun. i've been playing harvest moon a lot. (no more neopets...*sigh*) i've also been hanging out with ryan a lot too! we're still going out. :) I'm so happy! he's been really busy lately, i hope he isn't getting to stressed out... he has track in the afternoons now, and he has lots of FBLA things and electronics things he's been doing. did i mention that this blog has been broken for about two months? yeah, that's why i wasn't updating mostly. it took me about five minutes to fix it just now... anyway, i'm not in school today because it was snowing yesterday. it isn't snowing anymore, but there's a whole lot of it on the ground still, which is strange because we really don't get very much snow here. (usually anyway...) my dad is out of town, but he's coming home because the roads aren't bad, of all days for him to have to go somewhere, it had to be yesterday... i'm thinking about putting some harvest moon stuff on here, since its one of my latest obsessions, and maybe some animal crossing and Kya: Dark Lineage stuff too. i love video games...*sigh* (but i love my boyfriend more...(: ) speaking of my boyfriend, he went out to play in the snow with out a shirt on, or shoes, and only shorts.... he'd better not catch pneumonia!! i'll kill him if he does! lol. anyway, i better end this before the blog breaks again... ;) i hope i'll update again soon!
Monday, December 22, 2003
How sad, it won't let Ryan join my team
Tuesday, December 02, 2003
hi! i'm testing something!
Saturday, November 29, 2003
Wow i haven't been on in a while again... Ryan is now a part of my team on here... :) that'll be cool. I'm going to the art museum tomorrow. I went to the mall today. it was insane!! there were people everywhere!! it was just nuts... anyway, i'm going to do some work here. (it looks like it needs it....)

Bye for now,
Hanmyou the tired person
Saturday, November 08, 2003
I messed up my page... I don't know what i did... i must have deleted something i needed... this could mean the end of my page...
Hi everyone!! Man, I haven't been on in a while... Ryan wanted me to update today. He's on a camping trip! I hope he's having fun. :) I got my Driver's Permit the other day, and today my mom took me driving! I went all over everywhere! It was very fun! I've been playing the two Zelda game boy games, Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons. I've been linking them, and its so cool! I never noticed how much Oracle of Ages is like Majora's Mask before... Of course, the only reason I've noticed that now is because Ryan let me borrow it! (I only have Seasons and Majora's Mask...) He's so nice... :) He bit my neck the other day! lol! It didn't hurt. :) I was sick just recently! Ugh! I hate being sick! I'm better now though. Yay! I also have yet another pet. His name is RaspberryJellyDoggy! (He's the exact same color as raspberry jelly...) I'll put his pic at the bottom of the page! I might update again later, but right now, I can't think of anything... (Shows you how exciting my life is, doesn't it?)

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hanmyouiwakura got her Neopet, InuFluffy, at Do you want one? hanmyouiwakura got her Neopet, Galatea367, at Are they not darling? hanmyouiwakura got her Neopet, Rudyerd, at Its pronounced Rud-yurd. hanmyouiwakura got her Neopet, Raodinzeus, at (With the help of Raodinzeus yup! i got this one at too, did you guess that? Her name is Pinkunousako! Isnt he a cutie? hes one of the 20,000 just released! His name is PinkPooglePie! This one rather looks like an avocado. I made him that way! He is a mutant... This is RaspberryJellyDoggy! Can you guess his favorite food?
