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My Personality Test Results

These are the results of personality tests I've taken! They're from anime I've seen! (or from manga!) I'm trying to find the places that I got them from now, but I don't now how long that will be.

This is Miyu! Shes a vampire!! Im like her? Oh... Well... Coooool!!! Im like the stuffed animal!! Hee hee hee!!! Cutie!! Whee! Hmm... My sisters name is Charlotte... Yay! Im like Kagome!! Thats good to know! Now if I could only find someone whos like Inu Yasha!! Hee!!! Im green... sand? Well... umm... okay... cool.
Well, maybe I should have expected this one? Hmm... interesting...

Watashi wa, Sailor Heavy Metal Papillion!!

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