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February 15, 2003

Long May It Wave

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Saturday, February 15, 2003















  Osama's son, other al Qaeda bigs spotted in Iran... Gertz, Bill. “Bin Laden son, al Qaeda terrorists spotted in Iran.” The Washington Times. February 15, 2003.

U.S. intelligence agencies say Osama bin Laden's oldest son, Sad, is in Iran along with other senior al Qaeda terrorists, as Iranian military forces have been placed on their highest state of alert in anticipation of a U.S. attack on Iraq, according to intelligence officials.



Do these demonstrators truly reflect the  national opinion of these countries? The best way to tell is with elections.

Barr, Robert. “Anti-War Protesters Hold Global Rallies.” The Washington Post. February 15, 2003.

Millions of protesters - many of them marching in the capitals of America's traditional allies - demonstrated Saturday against U.S. plans to attack Iraq.

In a global outpouring of anti-war sentiment, Rome claimed the biggest turnout - 1 million according to police, while organizers claimed three times that figure.

In London, at least 750,000 people joined in the city’s biggest demonstration ever, police said. Berlin had up to half a million on the streets, and Paris was estimated to have had up to 100,000.




Will Tony Blair lose his job for doing the right thing?


Every time Britain gets in a jam they cry to us for help; yet, in the past (as in Vietnam), they’ve been reluctant to give us assistance. Perhaps Blair is being rejected because he is behaving honorably.

Coughlin, Con. “Mr. Blair’s Gamble.” February 15, 2003.

Tony Blair nailed Britain's colors firmly to the mast of Mr. Bush’s “war on terror” from the outset. In an emotional speech to the House of Commons three days after Sept. 11, Mr. Blair declared: “We the British are a people that stand by our friends in time of need, trial and tragedy, and we do so without hesitation.” Since then the British prime minister has been unwavering in his support for Washington's determination to confront Islamist terrorism and the rogue states that enable it to flourish. British soldiers were in the thick of the action in Afghanistan, and British politicians have been in the thick of the diplomatic offensive to force Saddam Hussein to comply with his international obligations at the U.N.



Cold War | Islam’s African Victims


  A Fresh Look at Booker T. Washington
By Carol M. Swain
His vision showed black America the way to prosperity. More>








W.E.B. Du Bois was an extreme Left-winger who joined the Communist Party near the end of his life.




This implies that the behavior of the rural poor blacks of Washington’s time wasn’t respectable.



The absurd assertion that whites who aren’t “liberal” are responsible for the antisocial behavior of blacks.



Swain. Carol M. “A Fresh Look at Booker T. Washington.” February 14, 2003.

The older I get, the more I appreciate Booker T. Washington’s educational philosophy of self-help and self-reliance for the masses of blacks. His teachings are all the more striking, since they are directed to a populace that emerged from slavery with little more than the clothes on their backs. Although Washington is often criticized for accepting second-class citizenship for his race, there is much wisdom in his pragmatic approach to fostering black empowerment. Washington wisely stressed the laudable virtues of personal responsibility, thrift, and hard work as the most effective means of achieving self-sufficiency and white acceptance by defying negative stereotypes. Some of the commonsense approach he advocated for blacks 100 years ago would be beneficial now in improving the lives and life chances of blacks trapped in cross generational cycles of poverty and hopelessness.

… W.E.B. Du Bois, his Harvard-educated counterpart, represented the needs and desires of a more elite constituency, as can be gleaned from his advocacy of a liberal arts education of what he referred to as the “Talented Tenth” of the black race. This remnant, he argued, would labor on behalf of the betterment of the others (“The Talentless Masses?”). Du Bois's elitism was also evident in his framing of issues and solutions.

… Washington believed that blacks could help themselves and gain the respect of whites by living dignified lives and developing positive work habits with the technical skills they learned from Tuskegee. It has now become unacceptable to even hint at the possibility that black people might bear some responsibility for the condition (or enrichment) of their lives.

According to the mantra of the liberal left, it is the racism of white people - and not the personal choices of blacks - that is responsible for the high rate of illegitimacy, drug abuse, HIV infections and criminal acts that distinguish them from other racial and ethnic groups. White racism, they claim, is responsible for the inability of the offspring of the black middle class to excel on standardized tests and other indicators of academic merit. In their view most, if not all, contemporary black problems can be traced to the actions of white people or the very “lingering effects of slavery” Washington sought to repair. …


Lessons from the Cold War for the War on Terror
By Stephen Brown
In a new book on the Cold War, Jamie Glazov crystallizes why the West defeated the Soviet empire. More>


Note the use of “Marxist-Leninist” as a synonym for Communism.




Note the characterization of Communism as “progressive.” Leftists have been using this term since the heyday of the Communist Party USA in the 1930s.




Khrushchev’s policy of “peaceful coexistence” included support for “wars of national liberation” in the Third World. The most notable of these was the Vietnam War.


Brown, Stephen. “Lessons from the Cold War for the War on Terror.” February 14, 2003.

In the decades following the Second World War, the West faced the greatest threat to its existence in the form of an aggressive, nuclear-armed Soviet Union. Driven by a totalitarian and expansionist ideology, the Soviet regime attempted to spread its Marxist-Leninist doctrine of class hatred around the world by any means possible. As a result, during the period of history now called the Cold War (1945-1991), countless countries, from Korea and Vietnam to Ethiopia and Afghanistan, were to experience the full, bloody force of communist efforts to bring them under the umbrella of the “most progressive doctrine in history.” In confronting the assault of Marxism, these nations paid the price of millions of dead bodies, ruined economies and devastated societies.

In his new book, Canadian Policy Toward Khrushchev's Soviet Union, author Jamie Glazov deals with this remarkable, but frightening, epoch, rendering a detailed account of Canadian foreign policy towards post-Stalinist Russia. The book covers the decade 1953-1963, which contained such pivotal Cold War events as the Soviet 20th Party Congress, the Suez Crisis, the Soviet invasion of Hungary and the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Islam's Other Victims: Africa
By Serge Trifkovic
Muslims wage jihad throughout a suffering continent. More>
Trifkovic, Serge. “Islam’s Other Victims: Africa.” February 14, 2003.

The Koran commands Moslems to wage jihad for the forcible conversion of the whole world. Africa, with its generally low level of civilizational development and corresponding lack of the power to defend itself, has been singularly vulnerable to these aggressions, particularly after the hiatus imposed by colonialism (whatever its drawbacks).

For years, Nigeria’s corrupt military rulers came from the Moslem north. They treated the rest of the country as occupied territories to plunder at will. They sought to give a Moslem stamp to the country as a whole, to the point of joining the Islamic Conference Organization, creating the impression that Nigeria is Moslem in its entirety.

Their long-term strategy is apparent from the opening communiqué of the Islam in Africa Organization, (IAO) founded at a conference in Abuja in northern Nigeria in November 1989. It insists on “re-instating a strong and united umma” (Islamic community) in Africa and on “restoring the use of Arabic script in the vernacular.”1 In addition:

The Conference notes the yearning of Moslems everywhere on the continent who have been deprived of their rights to be governed by the sharia and urges them to intensify efforts in the struggle to reinstate the application of the sharia.(Islamic law)



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