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Student Survey Results

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    This survey was administered between 05/13/04 and 05/14/04.  Packets of 25 surveys were given to 13 instructors at Mt. Hood Community College, 3 of which took an extra packet to administer to an additional class.  Some classes contained more or less than 25 students, resulting in a cumulative of only 181.  Out of the 181, only 180  were usable.  The margin of error is reflective of the following variables:
bulletRandomness of the survey is lacking.  Tests were administered at varying times at the same location (MHCC), with a possibility of surveys being administered to the same student more than once.   I did notify the instructors that there was a chance that more than 1 student could end up taking the survey over, and they told me (as has been confirmed by my own personal experience) that students will usually let them know if they have taken the same survey in another class. 
bulletAlthough I attempted to utilize most of the various departments so that I could incorporate a diverse number of students in the survey, I did not include (though I tried) some departments.  This is somewhat balanced by the fact that some surveys were administered at night, morning, and afternoon. 
bulletThe minor background (gist) at the top of each survey has been interpreted by some as, "too much of a sway in an obviously biased direction," or, "..leading."  I feel that while the purpose of a survey is to find out what people think, the controversial nature of this topic warranted some explanation of the purpose of my research, and some of my opinions, so that the students  might be able to look at both sides of the issue -- instead of one side (cost). 
bulletSince I chose the instructors who would administer the survey, my subconscious preferences played a part in choosing teachers that appealed to me (as Freud would say).

    As you can see from the graph below, the exponential equivalent of 181 students surveyed corresponds to approximately +/- 8.33 % margin of error.  This means that the opinions expressed by the students on the 181 surveys can deviate with contrast to the opinions of all MHCC students.  If (hypothetically) 50 % of students polled said that they didn't like butter, [(50 % - 8.33 %) to (50 % + 8.33 %)] would be the margin of error.  Or, (41.66 % to 58.33 %) of the students at MHCC would tend to agree with the 50 % of the 181 students polled.


    Overall, I feel the survey went well.  There were no duplicates to my knowledge.  There were more questions that I wanted to ask, and maybe in the future I might be able to do this again (with more money, and a little more time).  At the bottom of this page you can find my opinions concerning the data, and the relevancy it bears on other aspects of my research. 


Do you drive? yes no      
  142 38      
  78.89% 21.11%      
If yes, would you be willing to pay for parking? yes no maybe N/A  
  20 79 43 38

The 38 N/A will be excluded from the next series of percentages.

Out of 180 students 11.11% 43.89% 23.89% 21.11%  
Out of 142 students 14.08% 55.63% 30.28%    
Have you, or  someone you know, ever had your/their car stolen/vandalized/other while on school property? yes no      
  54 126      
  30.00% 70.00%      
Do you feel that the possible gains of such a program outweigh the student contribution requirement? yes no maybe unanswered  
  39 58 69 14  
  21.67% 32.22% 38.33% 7.78%  
Full-time students polled 134 74.44%      
Part-time students polled 33 18.33%      
unanswered 13 7.22%      
Question 6.  Analyze later          
Do you feel that the parking facility at MHCC is lacking? yes no undecided unanswered  
  53 87 39 1  
  29.44% 48.33% 21.67% 0.56%  
Do you feel that security and enforcement at MHCC is satisfactory? yes no undecided    
  93 36 51    
  51.67% 20.00% 28.33%    

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