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The Walking Dead

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The Walking Dead

By Jason Michael White

I can’t remember the exact moment when I died…hell, I don’t even know if I want to remember.  I can tell you one thing, though…once you’re dead - dead inside - you’re never really able to feel alive, ever.  Every day seems like a dream, fleeting and uneventful.  Bad days are just as fruitful as the “good” ones.  You start to drag, and time begins to slow…maybe the real secret to everlasting life is misery; every day seems like the one before, and you never really feel like you or your madness end.

My name is Jason White, and I am the walking dead.

And this is how I came to the realization that I am unimportant.  I won’t ever become what the world told me I could be while it shaped my mind in those malleable years of childhood.  I won’t be a famous musician.  I won’t ever become a world leader, able to shape the minds and opinions of the world for the betterment of mankind – and if it’s all the same to you, none of you will either.  That is, unless you are able to become the apathetic center of focus for some mind-numbed group of society…think about it.

We are all the walking dead.

When it really boils down to it, what voice do we have?  What matter of great import do we fulfill?  Nothing, that’s what…absolutely nothing.  If I were to tell you, “Just be content at remaining a nobody, a loser,” you wouldn’t listen, and that’s okay. Hell – you might even get offended by the suggestion…but it still doesn’t dismiss the fact that you already are a loser, no matter what face-creams, designer clothes, or mid-sized economy-class car you buy.  Nothing you do will really change the world, and none of the hugely vital things we should want – hope for the positive progress of humanity, and the advancement of true civility in a society which professes the latter – will ever happen, and that is the sad truth.  Now, you may be sitting there thinking something along the lines of “what’s this guys problem?” and the answer, quite simply, is that my problem is you. 

My dream is to wake up, while your dream is to sleep.

We have the real power – the power to conform, or the power to deform from the commercialized norm – but those who we vest our power in have perpetuated an institution of apathy and laziness in order to secure their own authority and power...but we can take that away from all of them, every single last one of them.  Honestly, we could walk out of our homes, rise up from under our bridges, amidst the mix of stink and grime and germ-free masses and take it all back…but it will never happen.  Why?  Because we are blind.

We can’t wake up from this pointless, fruitless, purely dead existence because (can you guess?) we all think that what we are doing is really important.  She has to wash her car, he has to work late at the office, they have to ace their final exams, and we all have to be good consumers.  And while she washes her car, she is slowly dying.  While he works late on the finishing touches to his latest project, he is slowly dying…and while we are busy performing our duties as well-rounded free-market citizens, we are dying a death that has already happened.

The dead do not dream.

We are spoon-fed what we think we want, when we think we want it, caught in a never-ending cycle of work and buy, work and buy.  It isn’t that bad though, and to quote a much used cliché, “Ignorance Is Bliss.”  You know it’s true.  The less you know about what really matters – the less real responsibility you have to commit yourselves to – the less sacrifice we all have to make. 

And I will never sacrifice my dreams.

I dream of a world in my naiveté where religion does not dictate the masses; there is no such thing as rich or poor; where every last person has the opportunity to explore their desires to the fullest of their capabilities.  I dream of a world where we understand our common goals of true global prosperity and an insurmountable equality.  In my world we set aside our petty differences and look instead at the enormous amounts of similarities we all share.  We are all human beings, jumbled together in this complicated thing called life, and together we make the best of a world that never warranted our ill treatment of it in the first place.  In my dream neighbor means brother or sister – an international family if you will.  Can you see it?  Isn’t it inviting?  If not, then you cannot fathom, nor do you care to understand, the meaning of my dream.  No war, no crime, no person left behind to wonder of their importance – because in my world, ever last human being is importance…more so than they could ever imagine. 

What is your dream?

The simple concept of sacrifice does not mean eternal sacrifice.  We could “postpone” our present way of life, do what needs to be done, and then proceed with fulfilling our desires.  But what needs to be done?  What do we need to do as an international family that would result universal happiness and unity?  This is what my book is about.  Within these pages you will find a construct of proposals that, if followed, will lead to our salvation here on Earth.  No, this is not a religion, nor do any of the ideas contained in this book aim to solve every problem that exists on this planet.  What I aim to achieve in writing these ideas down is much simpler than anything you could ever imagine.  Most likely, these ideas will never be seen, but for the purpose of developing a better understanding of what my dreams mean to me, I have chosen to write them down in the hope that some day I can say, “I knew it would happen, and if we would have just made some sacrifices for a short period of time, made some alterations to how we do things – without permanently discontinuing those things from our lives, just rethinking and reshaping how we do those things – we could have saved ourselves.

We need to save ourselves from this living death.

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